


George Soros Communist Obama Marxist Socialist

QUICK OVERVIEW:GEORGE SOROS’ OPEN SOCIETY INSTITUTEDr. Manning’s Research Video on George Soros, the (Billionaire, World Socialist) Puppet Master“About” Page of OPEN SOCIETY INSTITUTE WEBSITEIS YOUR PC RED? The Marxist Plot You Weren’t Expecting.

This Video will Initially Look Like an Impossible World-Scale Conspiracy Plot. But it Won’t by the Time You Study the Facts on this Page.A Look into the Twisted World of George SorosGeorge Soros-Paid Writers Tell Puppet Obama What to Say

  • Abortion Access Project
  • After Prison Initiative
  • Alliance for Justice
  • America Coming Together
  • American Arab Anti-Discrimination Research Institute
  • American Constitution Society for Law and Policy
  • American Friends Service Committee
  • American Immigration Law Foundation
  • American Prospect
  • Amnesty International
  • Brennan Center for Justice
  • Campaign for America’s Future
  • Campus Progress
  • Catholics for Choice
  • Catholics for a Free Choice
  • Center for Law and Social Policy
  • Children’s Defense Fund
  • Center for American Progress (John Podesta)
  • Center for Community Change
  • Center for Constitutional Rights
  • Center for Investigative Reporting
  • Center for Policy Alternatives
  • Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington
  • Coalition for an International Criminal Court
  • Community Rights Counsel
  • Critical Resistance – Beyond the Prison Industrial Complex
  • Death Penalty Information Center
  • Death Penalty Mobilization Fund
  • Death with Dignity National Center
  • Democracy 21
  • Democracy Alliance
  • Democracy Now!
  • Drug Policy Alliance
  • Economic Policy Institute
  • Earth Charter
  • Equal Justice Works
  • Esperanza Center
  • Feminist Majority
  • Fenton Communications
  • Ford Foundation
  • Free Exchange on Campus
  • Gay Straight Alliance Network
  • Gun Violence Prevention
  • Harlem Children’s Zone
  • Huffington Post
  • Human Rights First
  • Human Rights Watch
  • Immigrant Funders’ Collaborative
  • Institute for Policy Studies
  • Immigrant Legal Resource Center
  • Independent Media Institute
  • Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy
  • International Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commission
  • International Human Rights Funders Group
  • Jews for Racial and Economic Justice
  • John Edwards
  • Joint Victory Campaign 2004
  • Legal Action Center
  • Legal Defense and Educational Fund
  • Lindesmith Center
  • Lynne Stewart Defense Committee
  • Malcolm X Grassroots Movement
  • Mexican American Legal Defense and Education Fund
  • Midwest Academy
  • Million Mom March
  • Mother Jones Magazine
  • Moving Ideas Network
  • Ms. Foundation for Women
  • Murder Victims’ Families for Reconciliation
  • NARAL Pro-Choice America
  • Nation Institute
  • National Council of La Raza
  • National Gay and Lesbian Task Force
  • National Lawyers Guild
  • National Organization for Women
  • National Immigration Law Center
  • National Immigration Forum
  • National Public Radio (NPR)
  • National Security Archive Fund
  • Network for a Progressive Texas
  • Network on Small Arms
  • No Peace Without Justice International Committee
  • Open Society Institute
  • Pacifica Foundation
  • Peace and Security Funders Group
  • People for the American Way
  • People of Color In Crisis
  • Physicians for Human Rights
  • Population Services International
  • Project On Death in America
  • Project Syndicate
  • Prison Moratorium Project
  • Proteus Fund
  • Public Citizen Foundation
  • Reform Institute
  • Rocky Mountain Peace Center
  • Sentencing Project
  • Social Investment Fund Network
  • Southern Center for Human Rights
  • State Strategies Fund
  • Tides Center
  • Tides Foundation
  • United Nations Millennium Development Project
  • Urban Institute
  • U.S. Justice Fund
  • Violence Policy Center
  • We Interrupt This Message
  • Western States Center
  • Youth Law Center
  • MANY OTHER Worldwide Organizations Not Listed
Soros’ Portfolio Gives Him the Ability to:
  • Buy Politicians
  • Report “News”
  • Create Illegal Votes (ACORN)
  • Increase Taxes
  • Lower and Redistribute US Citizen Wealth
  • Put More People on Welfare
  • Funnel Illegal Aliens into Unions, Direct Their Votes and Collect Their Annual Membership Dues
  • Change and Relax Immigration Laws
  • Change Laws that Can Implement the Communist Takeover Plan
  • Changes Laws to Expand Union Influence Over Businesses
  • Change Laws to Modify the US Financial System
  • Change Laws to Control You
  • Obtain Votes from (Primarily Poor) Blacks
  • Obtain Votes from Hispanics and Other People of Color
  • Obtain Votes from Gays and Lesbians
  • Fund Abortions
  • Limit Free Trade
  • Hide Crimes and Allow Criminals to Be Freed
  • Redirect Taxpayer Wealth to Unnecessary Green Projects, While Simultaneously Making US Businesses Less Profitable and Less Competitive
  • Recruit and Put Criminals and Ex-Criminals to Work on Implementing the Communist Takeover Plan
  • Change Laws and Take Guns Away from Citizens
  • Protray America in a Strongly Negative Light, Both in the US and Around the World
  • Redirect Taxpayer Funds to Pay for Implementing the Communist Takeover Plan
  • Changes Laws to Make It Easier for Terrorists and Criminals to Operate
  • Create Misinformation
  • Control the Media
  • Limit Free Speech
  • Enable Communists and Terrorists to Enter America
  • Resist and Stop US Military and Police Efforts
  • Create Local and National Racial Conflicts and Distrust
  • Eliminate Religious Rights
  • Indoctrinate Your Children with Communism in Their Schools and Media Viewings
  • Fundamentally Change America, Transforming it in a Communist Nation
In General, Name the Organization the Opposite of It’s True Purpose.
Soros is also funding “Democratization Programs” (i.e., Communist Transition Programs) in a great many countries (almost to numerous to count), including Uzbekistan, Burma, Haiti, Central Europe and regions of Central Asia, as well as all the countries that ACORN and SEIU are working in.

SOROS ORGANIZATION BRANDING APPROACHIn General, Name the Organization the Opposite of It’s True Purpose.SOROS’ WORLD-WIDE COMMUNIST TRANSFORMATION FUNDINGSoros is also funding “Democratization Programs” (i.e., Communist Transition Programs) in a great many countries (almost to numerous to count), including Uzbekistan, Burma, Haiti, Central Europe and regions of Central Asia, as well as all the countries that ACORN and SEIU are working in.Why are (3) George Soros Funded/Associated Organizations (Microsoft, Amnesty International and Goldman Sachs — the only ones mentioned) all Specifically Identified in this Council for Foreign Relations (CFR) Document Written by the CFR’s President? The Document Describes the US and Other Countries Giving Up Sovereignty (for example to Cap Carbon Emissions). The CFR Organization’s 4,300 Members include Very Big Names. George Soros has written and/or is mentioned in (379) CFR Documents. “Goldman Sachs” is found in (888) CFR Documents and “Jeffrey Sachs” is found in (319) CFR Documents. “New World Order” is a frequent focus and found in (135) CFR Documents. The Communist code word, “Social Justice”, is found in (916) CFR Documents. The Communist code word, “Sustainable Development”, is found in (352) CFR Documents. The Communist “Global Warming” Scam is found in (957) CFR Documents. “Socialist” is found in (562) CFR Documents. EXAMPLE CFR “MUST READ” (Their Words, Not Ours) New World Order Document. Says “Copenhagen talks are an indication that a new world order may be forming with increasing power given to China.” We Suspect Most Americans Will Not Like What This Powerful “Think Tank” is Thinking.Source:

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