Donald Trump will soon be signing an Executive Order that will allow the United States to easily deport illegal aliens living on welfare and other government programs. The final draft is not finished and there are a couple of decisions left to be made, but the bottom line is if your sole means of support is the American taxpayers, it’s time to say adios.
I can hear the hue and cry from the liberals now. “That’s not who we are.” Maybe not but that’s who we used to be and will again. “They are breaking up families.” No, were not, we are getting rid of the entire clan.
This country used to have requirements to make sure people didn’t come to this country and live off the American taxpayers. Immigrants were required to have a sponsor, who swore to provide help to the family and to keep them off the dole. That ended under Obama, who actually made it easier for them to do so. In fact, before Teddy Kennedy, immigrants were granted green cards using their profession as the benchmark for entry. Especially in the medical field, where we constantly need more workers. Instead, we began taking in people ill equipped to support themselves. Many don’t speak a single word of English.
Another draft being considered titled: “Executive Order on Protecting American Jobs and Workers by Strengthening the Integrity of Foreign Worker Visa Programs.”
This prevision eliminates those jobs that encourage illegal aliens to travel the U.S. and would repeal the “work-visa provisions” which is not in “the national interest.”
Currently various drafts are being circulated among officials within the administration for their input and it’s not clear exactly which drafts are being considered, in that this is currently a work in progress, and no doubt there will be revisions and additional drafts. However one thing is clear President Trump is putting hard-working Americans and those who’ve dropped out of the labor force “first.”
One of the draftees writes: “Our country’s immigration laws are designed to protect American taxpayers and promote immigrant self-sufficiency. Yet households headed by aliens are much more likely than those headed by citizens to use Federal means-tested public benefits.”
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