A majority of Americans, including Republicans, Democrats and gun owners want stricter laws on gun ownership and armed guards in schools, according to a Reuters/Ipsos national poll taken in early March. Hundreds of thousands of students and their families are expected to march in cities across the United States on Saturday to demand stricter gun control, part of the response to a mass shooting at a Florida high school in February.
The following are some of the main findings of the poll: GUNS IN SCHOOLS About 75 percent of adults say they want armed security guards in school, with some 53 percent in favor of publicly funding gun classes for teachers and school personnel and 45 percent saying school staff should be encouraged to carry a weapon. “75 percent of adults say they want armed security guards in school”
GUN CONTROL IS AS IMPORTANT AS THE ECONOMY Gun control is on a par with the economy as a top issue that will motivate U.S. voters in November, the poll found. Source https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-guns-poll/americans-want-armed-school-guards-and-tighter-gun-laws-reuters-ipsos-poll-idUSKBN1GY159
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