Did you know that over 4,600 people in the United States alone are diagnosed with cancer every single day?
Given these statistics, it’s more than likely that someone close to you has been affected by cancer, or that you yourself have been diagnosed. Imagine the type of thoughts that must go through a person’s head when they receive this diagnosis — the dread anticipation of what the next days, weeks, and months of their life will look like.
You may have had these thoughts yourself or know someone who has, and I can only assume it’s terrifying, not only for the person who receives the diagnosis, but also for their friends and family, too. Perhaps one of the scariest things is knowing how ineffective many of the conventional methods of treating cancer are.
The good news is, there are other options out there, and Chris Wark has proven it. We have been in touch with Chris, who was diagnosed with stage III colon cancer at the young age of 26, for the last four years, following his journey toward health. Overcome with worry about which treatment options to take, Chris decided to start by having part of his cancer surgically removed. After this, his doctors told him he would require nine more months of chemotherapy or he would likely die within a year or two. Chris had to think long and hard about what choice he was going to make. He could either go the conventional route and take on the physical and emotional battle that is chemotherapy, or try something different. Chris thought to himself, “If my body created cancer, maybe my body can heal it.”
He then made a choice that in no way could have been easy, walking away from conventional methods of treatment and toward self directed healing. He explored all possible ways he could heal his cancer himself, researching for weeks about nutrition, diets, and how he could support his body through this disease. He built a program for himself and, amazingly, was successful in healing his cancer. His doctors were blown away. Did It Really Work? Some people have been critical of his story, stating that his success should be attributed to surgery rather than other changes. We had a conversation with Chris about this fact and here is what he had to say:
Surgery does not cure cancer, especially not stage 3. If it did, that’s all they would do. There would be no need for chemo and radiation. The medical industry has known that surgery does not cure cancer for at least 100 years. Cancer is a systemic metabolic disease, the result of a body that is nutrient deficient, overloaded with toxins, and has an overloaded or suppressed immune system. If the body is not given the essential nutrients it needs to repair, regenerate and detoxify, cancer will most assuredly come back after surgery. A diet rich in fruits and vegetables, juices and smoothies is the most powerful way to promote the body’s ability to heal itself. All processed food must be eliminated. Animal products should be severely restricted or eliminated for a season until the cancer is gone. And it’s ok if some people don’t believe me. I know lots of survivors that have healed cancer without surgery, but skeptics won’t believe them either.
Could Chris have healed his cancer with chemo? Not likely, says one study. The study, which observed 453 stage II colon cancer patients, found that the patients who were treated with chemotherapy had worse quality of life, and were on average nearly three times more likely to have a cancer recurrence, and were two times more likely to die within two years of their diagnosis compared to those who did not receive chemo. Chris’ Free Course After his successful bout with cancer, Chris began coaching and helping others get through the disease as well. He put together a healing program called SQUARE ONE: Healing Cancer Coaching Program. It’s a FREE 10-week video course that explains the simple, straightforward methods that worked on him and many others in their cancer journeys. Starting on September 12th, you can have access to this online course, too. To get all of Chris’ methods and valuable information, simply sign up at the page below and you’ll be notified as soon as the first video is available to watch.
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