
 Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban has hit out again against globalist George Soros as part of his anti-immigration stance and vowing to destroy the New World Order.

hungarian prime minister viktor orban has hit out again against globalist george soros

Orban has already accused Hungarian-born US tycoon George Soros of orchestrating immigration from the middle eats an Africa by pumping funds to NGOs supporting “open-doors” values in Europe and other countries.Orban now accuses Soros of using his fund to buy influence in Brussels as well as at the UN."Soros has antagonized not only us but also England, President Trump, and Israel too," he said. 

"Everywhere he wants to get migration accepted. It won't work. We are not alone and we will fight together… and we will succeed."George Soros was recently slammed by EU lawmakers for his ongoing attempts to meddle in the United Kingdom's process of leaving the European Union, otherwise, know as Brexit.

A group of lawmakers from the European Parliament has slammed billionaire globalist Soros for attempting to undermine European democracy via his closed-door meeting with a director of the European Central Bank.

SputnikNews reports Last week, the so-called “Stop Soros” bill was submitted to the Hungarian Parliament; the proposed legislation would enable the Interior Minister to ban NGOs, particularly those funded by Soros, that encourage migration and “pose a risk” to national security.Soros has been accused of meddling in Britain’s affairs after admitting to having donated enormous funds to an anti-Brexit campaign.During his annual state of the nation speech, Orban warned the audience against the “Islamization” of Europe, claiming that “Europe won’t even realize that it has been invaded.

”Known for his tough stance on immigration issues, the Prime Minister added that “Christianity was Europe’s last hope,” and brought to light the fact that the threat comes from within the European Union itself."Absurd as it may sound the danger we face comes from the West, from politicians in Brussels, Berlin and Paris," Orban said. 

"Of course we will fight, and use ever stronger legal tools. The first is our 'Stop Soros' law."Hungary along with Poland, Slovakia and the Czech Republic have opposed the Brussels-imposed refugee quotas introduced in 2015 as a temporary emergency plan to relocate some 160,000 migrants across the Union’s 28 member-states in order to ease Greece’s and Italy’s burden. 

Hungary, the Czech Republic, Poland and Slovakia voted against the relocation scheme, with Budapest, Prague, Warsaw and Bratislava refusing to take in the EU-mandated number of migrants.

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