

There are people who believe that bitcoin was created by the government. They also think that big brother made it subjugate and subdue everyone.
They believe that it is a one-world digital currency which benefits the government rather than the people.

Bitcoin was built by crypto-anarchists.
There is no confirmation that the government was the creator of bitcoin. The opposite of this is true.
Bitcoin was likely built by crypto-anarchists to undermine, as well as destabilize governments. The exact creator of bitcoin is still unknown.
The pseudonym of the individual is Satoshi Nakamoto. It could be a group of people as well. We don’t have any clue. But, we do have an idea of the type of people that fleshed out the original blueprints.

In the early work of cypherpunks live David Chaum, Timothy May and Whitfield Diffie, we can see the beginnings of bitcoin. None of them cared for governments. Mainly, they were anarchists.
Indeed, the characteristics of bitcoin are wholly anti-government. The fact that governments cannot control the circulation supply of bitcoin means that they cannot defraud people by hyper-inflating it.
The fact that bitcoin is peer-to-peer and censorship-resistant means, that governments cannot freeze accounts, as well as halt transactions or arbitrarily steal money.
The fact that bitcoin circumvents central banks immediately testifies to its purpose.
The features of bitcoin are not something that governments would purposely build into a currency, to control the people.
The features it has are antithetical to control. Why would the government make a decentralized currency which does not support its agenda?
Governments could be co-opting Bitcoin.
However, there is a significant caveat.
Governments did not build bitcoin, but, they are maybe trying to co-opt it. This is done by making the developers neuter bitcoin’s anti-government features. And, they appear to have succeeded in that.
The developers have stripped away the digital signature architecture of bitcoin, and they also failed to scale the size of the block of bitcoin, rendering it weak and helpless.
This is a move which has been initiated by the Core development team, called Blockstream. There are people that believe that they are being funded by “globalists” and other big government types.
One Steemit article said:

“nowadays, blockstream is controlled by the bilderberg group – seriously! axa strategic ventures, the co-lead investor for blockstream’s $55 million financing round, is the investment arm of french insurance giant axa group, whose ceo named henri de castries has been chairman of the bilderberg group since 2012.”
Jeff Berwick also commented on this problem in a Dollar Vigilante article which was named “Bitcoin War Begins – Bitcoin Cash Rises 50% While Bitcoin Drops $1,000 in 24 Hours.”

But, who is the owner of Blockstream? Well, one of the principal shareholders is the insurance giant AXA. CEO and Chairman of both the Bilderberg Group and AXA is the same person, named Henri de Castries.
Essentially, the person that is most in control of bitcoin development is the Chairman of Bilderberg.
We are not making any statements regarding the veracity of the above claims. Nonetheless, it is interesting to note that central bankers put some money into bitcoin, and then the code start to change, making transaction fees soar, as well as confirmation times slow to a snail’s pace.
Cryptocurrencies can threaten the government indifferent.
For the sake of discussion, even if bitcoin was hijacked, we still believe that freedom lovers can win. No person can stop the signal.
The genie is out of the bottle. Now we have an entirely competing market of cryptocurrencies, and no one is forced to use any of them.
This means that any fedcoin on the market is just another token to choose out of a vast sea of currencies, and no one will consciously choose coins which are inefficient or that may enslave them.
The true version of bitcoin, known as bitcoin cash, is also available for use. It is the original vision of Satoshi Nakamoto.

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