

When Prince Harry proposed to American “commoner” and Meghan Markle, it seemed like a fairy tail come true. A regular girl with a modern family dynamic was about to become a royal.
Image result for Disgraced Meghan Markle in Panic Mode – Royal Wedding May Be Called Off
Although it seemed like a Cinderella story at first, it seems that Markle’s plans may not materialize. 37-year-old Markle has been divorced in the past; and in the royal family, it was traditionally forbidden to marry someone who had been divorced.
The Queen of England is reportedly repulsed that Price Harry chose a divorced woman to marry. Now, as it turns out, Markle may not be able to wed Prince Harry in the Church of England, which officiates royal weddings.Prince Harry has planned to tie the knot with Markle in May, but there could be some huge bumps along the way before that can happen. In 2011, Markle married Jewish film director Trevor Engelson. They divorced about two years later in 2013. Having been married before is frowned upon in the royal family and will take some special permission for the pair to wed in the Spring of 2018, including from the Queen of England herself and a special license from the Archbishop of Canterbury.

Via PEOPLE Magazine:
For centuries, divorce was frowned upon by the Church of England and members of the British royal family were forbidden — or at the very least, strongly discouraged — from marrying someone who was divorced.
The history-shaking controversy surrounding Edward’s abdication, as fans of The Crown will attest, has never been forgotten by Queen Elizabeth, who was just 10 when her uncle stepped aside — paving the way for her own ascension to the throne. Edward married Simpson in 1937 in exile in France.
But times have changed.
In 2002, the General Synod – the governing body of the Church of England – voted to recognize “that some marriages regrettably do fail.” They added, “there are exceptional circumstances in which a divorced person may be married in church during the lifetime of a former spouse.” Any decision “as to whether or not to solemnize such a marriage in church after divorce rests with the minister.”

But being divorced isn’t Markle’s only problem. She attended a Catholic school growing up; if she is, indeed, a Catholic this is going to be an issue.

In order to remain in the line of succession, members of the royal family cannot be Catholic. The vast majority are members of the Church of England, with the Queen serving as the head of the church. And until 2013, laws forbade members of the family from marrying someone who is Catholic. It was a restriction couples could work around: Peter Phillips’s wife, Autumn, converted from Catholicism before their May 2008 wedding. If she hadn’t, Phillips — the Queen’s eldest grandchild, who is 13th in line to the throne — would have lost his place in the line of succession.

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