Americans are starving for change. We want the jobs and companies that have fled overseas to come home, and rehire those they have fired…
We want gasoline, electricity and groceries to be affordable…
We want to educate and inspire our children, not just train them for to be future workers…
We pray that the perpetual wars in the Middle East will end and our troops will come home…
We want an end to corporate personhood and politically-motivated ‘foreign aid’…
We want to be able to afford our own homes without submitting to a lifetime of mortgage debt in exchange for a fraudulent bank ‘loan’ that is financed out of thin air…
We want a balanced budget…
We want America to stop policing the world…
We want government officials to stop lying to us…
We want a President who is accountable for his or her actions, and who follows through on the big-picture promises made in the heat of election campaigns…
And finally, we wish to leave this world a better place for our children, just as our parents and grandparents have done before us. In other words, Americans do not really want change — what we want is what we had before. We’ve actually had a bellyful of change. The past decade and half has been nothing but change; the kind that continues to steer us in the wrong direction. What we really want is reform.
Change, or Reform?
Reform! What an easy word to say, but what a difficult thing to bring about.
Politically speaking, reform means going back to where we are supposed to be. But where is that? Ask Americans and you get different answers from everyone. We all know something is wrong with our nation — very wrong — but we collectively are unable to agree on what needs to be done to turn things around, despite the fact that the answer to our problems is self-evident. What we need is to return to the fundamental constitutional roots that made the American nation what it was for most of last century. In other words, we need a constitutional government, including checks and balances designed to ensure that the wrong changes do not take place and our government behaves the way we want it to — on our behalf, and the behalf of our republic.
But, while this is what Americans fundamentally want, do we really have a snowball’s chance in hell of ever seeing this happen? This is not what our leaders want. Our leaders want to be free, and for them to be truly free — to use the power of government as they see fit, not as the majority sees fit — they need to be free of our Constitution and free of accountability to us. And the two best ways of achieving this freedom are through perpetual war and an economic system that turns us into the down-trodden economic slaves of the bankers.
The Federal Reserve Act 1913
“It is well enough that the people of this nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning.” ~ Henry Ford, 1922
American changed in 1913. This was the year that Congress, wrongfully and in violation of our legal Constitution, created the Federal Reserve; a private foreign banking cartel given authority to control our money supply and economy. It should be clear that if a group of people can control our money supply and economy, then they control everything — including our government. There is no equivocation here: either we control our government through our Constitution, or private bankers control it through the power of the dollar. And unfortunately, the nature of political corruption is such that dollars always trump an oath of office, and this being the case, we are left with a government that pays lips service to our Constitution and lies to us about everything, all the while acting on behalf of private banking mega-corporations.
Therefore, the first thing that any President should do upon entering office is to repeal the Federal Reserve Act of 1913.
But has Barack Obama ever mentioned this kind of “change”? No, of course not! Because the simple truth of the matter is that almost all party leaders and government officials (Republican, Democrat or otherwise) work for them — the bankers — and not for us.
“I have unwittingly ruined my country. A great industrial nation is now controlled by its system of credit. We are no longer a government by free opinion, no longer a government by conviction and the vote of the majority, but a government by the opinion and duress of a small group of dominant men.” ~ Woodrow Wilson, 28th President of the United States President (1913–1921)
Imagine a high level corporate executive informing his board of directors that they are fired; this is exactly what is necessary for our President and Congress to do, in order for Americans to be a free people again. In order to serve us, they must tell the bankers that they are no longer needed — because they were never needed. They have acted exclusively for their own interests — profit and control — while intentionally and deceitfully working against our interests — freedoms and liberties. But the truth is, they need us. And the only way they can keep us working for them is through outright deception and systemic manipulation.
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