

The image of USA in the world will change.

Now all the world hate us because of US foreign Imperialistic Policy.

With Trump as President all of that can change.

Donald Trump

 It didn't take long for leaders around the world to congratulate President-elect Donald Trump following his stunning victory over Democratic rival Hillary Clinton on Tuesday. And what's more, many leaders of countries whose relationships with the U.S. under the Obama administration – and under the "leadership" of Clinton as his secretary of state – have deteriorated, have now shown a renewed desire to work with America to stabilize the world and promote peace and prosperity.

The first leader to place a call to Trump was Egypt's president, Abdel Fattah al-Sisi. Reuters reported that al-Sisi spoke to Trump by telephone, congratulating him and saying he looked forward to meeting the new U.S. leader in person.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who has had a particularly rocky relationship with Obama and Clinton, thanks to the latter's preference for favoring terrorist-sponsoring states like Iran, called Trump a "friend of Israel," and said he looks forward to working with him to advance the security of Israel and the region.

Hungary's leader, Prime Minister Viktor Orban, hailed Trump's win as a "great victory," writing on his Facebook page that it was "great news" that "democracy is still alive."

Even Putin sends his bestFrench conservative leader of the National Front, Marine le Pen, applauded Trump's victory and the "free American people."

One of the most significant world leaders to congratulate Trump was Russian President Vladimir Putin, who believes that a Trump administration will rebuild ties and trust with Moscow. "We have heard the pre-election statements by then-candidate (Trump), which were directed at rebuilding relations between Russia and the U.S.," Putin said during a speech before a number of ambassadors.

Another leader who has been highly critical of the U.S., and with whom the Obama administration has been inept in its dealings, President Rodrigo Duterte of the Philippines, has said he is "looking forward to working with [Trump's] incoming administration." This is an important relationship for Trump to cultivate, considering that the Philippines is strategically located within the South China Sea, where a newly aggressive China has been allowed to build and arm fake islands throughout the region, which threatens a vital international trade route worth trillions a year.

This praise from a number of world leaders is likely very unexpected from a lot of quarters, considering that the global powers that be have been aligned against Trump from the outset, and likely still are. Trump will have to find a way to reach out to these leaders, especially those who do not trust him yet, in order to create an environment of stability and peace.


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