

A member of one of the 13 Elite Illuminati bloodline families has gone on the record to expose Satanic sexual abuse suffered by children in pedophile rings controlled by the secret society.

an escaped illuminati pedophile ring survivor exposes elite child abuse

Cheryl Hersha is a survivor of an Elite pedophilia network who managed to escape from the life she was born into and held captive by MKUltra and Monarch mind control.

She has put her life on the line to reveal horrific physical and mental abuse she has suffered since birth at the hands of her so-called-"elite" family members and their associates that extend right into the upper reaches of the political and social hierarchy.

Born into an Illuminati Bloodline Family in 1961, her parents hailed from 2 of the 13 different interbreeding bloodlines, but her Father's Bloodline Family, Die Familie who had immigrated from Germany to America, was the Family that controlled her young life.SCROLL DOWN FOR VIDEOAccording to VL, Cheryl was subjected to Satanic ritual abuse by her paternal grandparents and father from birth; the Illuminati's trauma-based mind control programming began, as is standard in all Illum.

 Families, at the age of 2yrs.Her mother was noncompliant, and underwent the same mind control techniques, as did her two siblings.Cheryl and her older sister, Lynn, were also placed in the MKUltra/Monarch Program in 1965, as her paternal step-grandfather was OSS as it morphed into the CIA, was her father's "Handler", and had him sign the two girls up for the program.

True to known programming breakdown, the siblings began remembering a sinister and evil upbringing in 1996, as memories began to surface.The more they talked to each other, the more they remembered.Cheryl is now fully integrated and healed from the psychological, emotional and spiritual, wounds from the first traumatic 18 years of her life.

However, the physical damage has left her permanently disabled and 5 years past her prognosis with a rare neurological disorder.She is now a born-again Christian, was married for 28 years, is a mother of four adult children, and is now a forcibly retired (disabled) RN, who lives in the Southwest with her beloved dog.


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