

With ISIS defeated in Syria and following several potentially catastrophic incidents between Russian and US air-forces, Russia is calling for the US to leave the country.
The US has however insisted on staying in the sovereign country despite being uninvited.

Fort Russ reports: TASS interviewed Russia’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations at the Geneva office, Alexei Borodavkin who gave the following comments:
“We believe that after the victory over ISIS there is no need for the US-led coalition to further remain in Syria, especially given that they had not been invited there … So, we are calling on the Americans to pack their rucksacks and go…. But apparently, this is not part of their plans, and this arouses concerns,” he said.

“Our military will remain in Hmeymim and Tartus. So, we will help Syrian partners in the fight against international terrorism, in particular, Jabhat al-Nusra, which is still active in Syria,” the diplomat said.
The potential of Syria’s military created with Russia’s support is enough for fighting against terrorists, the diplomat noted.
“In his speeches and, first of all, when he visited our military base in Hmeymin, President Putin made it clear that, following the wiping out of ISIS in Syria, the Syrian armed forces are now capable of independently repelling terror aggression on their territory,” the diplomat said,

“However, if a serious terror threat emerges in Syria again, then, as President Putin said, the Russian armed forces will carry out such strikes over terrorists which they can’t imagine … The Russian military group is withdrawing from Syria, but our servicemen will remain at the air military base in Hmeymim and at the naval base in Tartus.”

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“It is necessary that the opposition clearly indicates in its documents that it sees no military solution to the conflict in Syria, but intends to work on a political settlement in that country,” Borodavkin said.
“Moscow values the efforts that UN Special Envoy for Syria Staffan de Mistura has been making to find a political solution to the Syria issue, but not everything depends on him, or the UN”, he underscored.

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