The Illuminati “Popular history texts and encyclopedias generally paint the Illuminati as having its origins in 1776 Bavaria. However, the origins go back much further. The Illuminati are tied directly through masonry to the sun and Isis cults of ancient Egypt. “The term “Illuminati” was used by one early writer, Menendez Pelayo, as early as 1492 and is attributable to a group known as the “Alumbrados” of Spain. The Alumbrados were said to receive secret knowledge from an unknown higher source, resulting in superior human intelligence.
This group was condemned by an edict of the Grand Inquisition in 1623, in what was another battle in the long-running war between the catholic Church and the secret societies. “Some writers claim that a group known as the “Illumined Ones” was founded by Joachim of Floris in the eleventh century and taught a primitive, supposedly Christian doctrine of “poverty and equality.” This tactic to disguise Illuminism behind a thin veil of Christianity is now a well-established theme. Later, this group is said to have become violent, plundering the rich and thereby discrediting Christianity as a whole. “Still other writers trace the Illuminati to the dreaded Ishmalean sect of Islam, also known as “the Assassins.” Founded in 1090 by Hassan Sabah, this group combined the use of the drug hashish with murder as their main path to illumination. “Killing was a mystical experience to this branch of the Mystery Schools. They not only maintained their control by murder and threats of murder, they believed that the assassin could acquire the gnosis, or soul energy from the victim. This is the theory behind the human and animal sacrifices of Satanists throughout history (and the ritual child abuse etc). “Primitive religions get the same effect by dancing and drumbeating. Seeking this form of illumination was the main attraction of drugs like marijuana, hashish, and LSD to teenagers of the 1960s and the 1970s. Buddhists can gain the same illumination through sexual rituals known as Tantric Yoga, or through the different forms of mediation. Witchcraft covens still meet in the nude and participate in group sexual rituals for the same effect. Mass participation in animal sacrifice is another way to scavenge gnosis. “The sad fact is that although sex, drugs, dancing, and drumbeating are believed to release a lot of gnosis, Satanists believe that sacrifices release more of it than anything else. Such are the dark and sordid machinations of the deluded souls who think their gnosis accumulations and illumination will give them some form of deity or immortality. . .” “...In what may be the most beautifully composed denunciation of Masonry ever written, de Poncins wrote: “The great task of freemasonry is to spread ideas sometimes noble and beautiful in appearance but in reality destructive, of which the prototype is the famous motto: Liberty, equality, fraternity.” “Masonry, a vast organism of propaganda, acts by slow suggestion, spreading the revolutionary ferment in an insidious manner. The heads sow it among the inner lodges, these transmit it to the lower lodges whence it penetrates into the affiliated institutions and into the press, which takes in hand the public.” “Tirelessly and during the necessary number of years, the suggestion . . . works upon public opinion and fashions it to wish for the reforms from which nations die. In 1789 and 1848 [the years of the French revolutions], freemasonry, in its momentary command of power, failed in its supreme endeavor. Taught by these experiences, its progress has become slower and surer. When once the revolutionary preparation is obtained and judged sufficient, masonry leaves the field to the militant organizations, Carbonari, Bolshevists, or other open or secret societies, and retires into shadows in the background. There it is not compromised; in case of check, it seems to have remained apart, and is all the better able to continue or take up again its work, like a gnawing worm, obscure and destroying.” “Masonry never works in the full light of day. Every one knows of its existence, its meeting places and of many of its adepts, but one is ignorant of its real aims, its real means, its real leaders. “The immense majority of masons themselves are in that position. They are only the blind machinery of the sect which they serve... Many honest masons are so blind that they would be stupefied if they knew for what they are being used.” The Masonic Ritual revealed “Every Mason swears to a set of oaths so ancient that a separate term has been set aside to describe them. These are called “blood oaths.” “Masonry, as we know it today in America, is thought of as having thirty-third degrees, or levels. Many offshoot organizations have developed over the years that have attempted to add additional degrees above the publicly known thirty-three. Mormonism is one such offshoot. As shown in a later chapter, its founder Joseph Smith, and most, if not all of his initial inner circle of supporters were Masons. He borrowed heavily from Masonic ritual for his newly-created Mormon ceremonies.
“With each successive degree, the Mason must swear to ever more cruel and barbarous oaths. The following details of the initiation oaths of the first three degrees of Masonry are closely guarded Masonic secrets. In fact, every Mason musts swear to kill any fellow mason who reveals them. Fortunately for humanity, however, several brave souls in the last 200 years have felt compelled to speak out, publishing this “secret work” for the world to see. It is thanks to these courageous men that we have the exact wording and rituals of at least the first three degrees.” The personal experience of Lucifer is not often described in literature. What it was like to be Hitler living in a physical body with the incarnational Luciferian energy can only be hinted at in his biographies. The traditional Hollywood idea of fangs and claws and large ‘devilish’ bodies is a stereotype that does not equate to the assimilation of these energies into 3rd dimensional living. Perhaps some of Aleister Crowley’s life might hint at it in part. Alan Richardson, perhaps to some extent, manifests in his book Earth God Rising, the slow descent into what might be called Luciferianism.
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