
CIA Report Reveals Plan To Relocate ISIS Terrorists To Russia To Destabilize This Country
CIA Report Reveals Plan To Relocate ISIS Terrorists To Russia To Destabilize This Country

On June 20, the Pentagon issued a report, in which it said Afghanistan is “at a critical point” in its battle against multiple insurgencie...

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NBC: Your Children Will Definitely Be Microchipped
NBC: Your Children Will Definitely Be Microchipped

NBC News has continued its attempt to normalize the idea of microchips for humans, airing a report that claims children will be microchipp...

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500K Wikileaks Release: CIA Effectively Created ISIS Through Joint Venture with Saudi Arabia
500K Wikileaks Release: CIA Effectively Created ISIS Through Joint Venture with Saudi Arabia

A new WikiLeaks release now claims that ISIS and al-Qaeda were essentially created by the American government long before Barack Obama too...

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George Soros Plot To Overthrow Putin & Control Russia Exposed In Leak
George Soros Plot To Overthrow Putin & Control Russia Exposed In Leak

A plot to overthrow Vladimir Putin and destabilize Russia by billionaire globalist George Soros has been revealed in leaked documents.

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Donald Trump has reportedly chosen Robert Kennedy Jr. to lead the Commission on Vaccine Safety, and the mainstream media is working overti...

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Australia Becomes World’s Most Micro chipped Nation
Australia Becomes World’s Most Micro chipped Nation

Australia Becomes World’s Most Microchipped Nation: Australia has become the first widely microchipped nation, with Australians readily pa...

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Eugenics and Population Control: How the 85 richest see the 3.5 billion poorest
Eugenics and Population Control: How the 85 richest see the 3.5 billion poorest

With smashing timing, Bill and Melinda Gates released a missive in the Wall Street Journal about the three myths on the world’s poor coin...

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The Top 10 Worst Food Ingredients to Avoid
The Top 10 Worst Food Ingredients to Avoid

Food companies use lots of unhealthful and dodgy ingredients to extend shelf life, add gaudy colors, and make us crave their products. You...

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FBI Whistleblower Sibel Edmonds Speaks of Pedophile Criminals in Washington D.C.
FBI Whistleblower Sibel Edmonds Speaks of Pedophile Criminals in Washington D.C.

Newsbud presents major new revelations by former FBI whistleblower Sibel Edmonds. Edmonds, known as the most classified and gagged person ...

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VOICE WikiLeaks Has Joined the Trump Administration
VOICE WikiLeaks Has Joined the Trump Administration

As a presidential candidate, Donald Trump declared , “I love WikiLeaks!” And he had good reason to display affection to this website run...

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Agenda 21 Depopulation of 95% of the World By 2030
Agenda 21 Depopulation of 95% of the World By 2030

Most people are unaware that one of the greatest threats to their freedom may be a United Nations program which plans to depopulate 95% of...

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Serbia to Sue NATO Over Damage Caused by 1999 Bombing of Yugoslavia
Serbia to Sue NATO Over Damage Caused by 1999 Bombing of Yugoslavia

Serbia has launched a team of lawyers tasked with the preparation of a lawsuit against NATO over the damage it had caused to the country d...

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Soros Caught Funding Al Gore To Promote Global Warming Lies
Soros Caught Funding Al Gore To Promote Global Warming Lies

Billionaire elitist George Soros has been exposed giving former Vice President Al Gore millions of dollars in cash to promote lies about g...

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Putin: It's My Duty To Destroy The New World Order For Degrading Family Values
Putin: It's My Duty To Destroy The New World Order For Degrading Family Values

Russian President Vladimir Putin has vowed to destroy the New World Order for degrading family values and weaponizing sex on global societ...

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Cheney, Rothschild’s & Murdoch Begin Massive Oil Drilling In Syria
Cheney, Rothschild’s & Murdoch Begin Massive Oil Drilling In Syria

Cheney, Rothschild’s & Murdoch Begin Massive Oil Drilling In Syria : Afek oil and gas are hoping to soon find out what goodies lie ben...

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Robert De Niro Was Client Of Prostitution Ring That Used Children
Robert De Niro Was Client Of Prostitution Ring That Used Children

De Niro was a client of an international prostitution ring that hired underage children and specialised in providing prostitutes to wealth...

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Putin And Assad Kill ISIS Leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi
Putin And Assad Kill ISIS Leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi

ISIS leader and the world’s most wanted terrorist Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi has been killed in a joint Russian-Syrian airstrike, according to r...

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Canadian Journalist : I’m Back From Syria. The Media Is Lying To You!
Canadian Journalist : I’m Back From Syria. The Media Is Lying To You!

Canadian Journalist: “I’m Back From Syria. The Media Is Lying To You!” : – Eva Bartlett is a Canadian activist/freelance journalistst. Eva...

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Global Warming Hoax Was Costing US Taxpayers $4.7 Billion Per Year
Global Warming Hoax Was Costing US Taxpayers $4.7 Billion Per Year

By exposing the global warming hoax as the scam that it is, President Trump has saved the American taxpayer tens of billions of dollars th...

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US Signs $12 Billion Arms Deal With Qatar Days After Saying It Funds Terrorism
US Signs $12 Billion Arms Deal With Qatar Days After Saying It Funds Terrorism

Defense Secretary James Mattis and his Qatari counterpart, Defense Minister Khalid al-Attiyah have signed a $12 billion arms deal today in...

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How the Rockefeller Foundation Quietly Funded the Anti-Fertility Vaccine
How the Rockefeller Foundation Quietly Funded the Anti-Fertility Vaccine

The Rockefellers, one of the world’s wealthiest families, have been the largest financial backer of Eugenics and other population control ...

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Oliver Stone: “Israel Had Far More Involvement In The US Election Than Russia.”
Oliver Stone: “Israel Had Far More Involvement In The US Election Than Russia.”

I can't wait to watch new Oliver Stone interview of Vladimir Putin. Oliver Stone was interviewed by The Late Show with Stephen Colb...

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We all know who’s Vladimir Putin, right? And, we also know that the famous Russian President Vladimir Putin is very straightforward and tr...

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Rothschilds Implicated in Elite Pedophile Ring Investigation
Rothschilds Implicated in Elite Pedophile Ring Investigation

For centuries the Rothschild family have been at the center of conspiracy theories, but now an investigation has discovered evidence conne...

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Jared Kushner Belongs To Rothschild’s Doomsday Cult
Jared Kushner Belongs To Rothschild’s Doomsday Cult

Trump’s son-in-law and senior advisor Jared Kushner belongs to an elite doomsday cult that boasts the Rothschilds as members and is trying...

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Satanic Pedophile Network Exposed by '60 Minutes'
Satanic Pedophile Network Exposed by '60 Minutes'

This article is based on police investigatory reports… personal documented testimony of enraged policemen and women. The story itself has ...

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Putin Says Deep State Killed JFK, Trump and Russia Will be Next
Putin Says Deep State Killed JFK, Trump and Russia Will be Next

During the much-anticipated interview with NBC’s Megyn Kelly, Russian President Vladimir Putin claimed that the Deep State were behind the...

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Fukushima Has Now Contaminated 1/3 Of The Worlds Oceans
Fukushima Has Now Contaminated 1/3 Of The Worlds Oceans

The entire Pacific Ocean, which covers almost one-third of our planet, is now thought to have been contaminated by the radioactive leak...

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20 Million Muslims March Against ISIS and The Mainstream Media Completely Ignores It
20 Million Muslims March Against ISIS and The Mainstream Media Completely Ignores It

In one of the largest organized marches in the history of the world, tens of millions of Shia Muslims made an incredibly heartening statem...

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Secret Bilderberg Group Meeting Will Discuss Putin, Trump and War
Secret Bilderberg Group Meeting Will Discuss Putin, Trump and War

Many of the world's most powerful people are gathering for the annual meeting of the mysterious Bilderberg Group this week. Russia, th...

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Billionaire PayPal Founder Admits to Drinking Children's Blood
Billionaire PayPal Founder Admits to Drinking Children's Blood

The billionaire founder of PayPal Peter Thiel has admitted to drinking the blood of teenagers in a bid to extend his own lifespan.The 48-y...

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The Blind Mystic Who Predicted 9/11 Has Issued A Harrowing World War III Warning
The Blind Mystic Who Predicted 9/11 Has Issued A Harrowing World War III Warning

Deep in the Balkans in Eastern Europe, a blind fortune teller saw the future, predicting several massive world events well before they eve...

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The Paris Climate Agreement is GENOCIDE Against Plants, Forests and ALL LIFE on Our Planet
The Paris Climate Agreement is GENOCIDE Against Plants, Forests and ALL LIFE on Our Planet

The primary goal of the Paris Climate Accord — the reduction of atmospheric carbon dioxide — is nothing less than genocide against all pla...

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Proof Of George Soros Nazi Past Finally Comes To Light With Discovery Of Forgotten Interview
Proof Of George Soros Nazi Past Finally Comes To Light With Discovery Of Forgotten Interview

George Soros has repeatedly called 1944 “The Best Year of his Life.” 70% of Mr. Soros’s fellow Jews in Hungary, nearly a half-million human...

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London Mayor Reportedly Let 200 Jihadis Into London UK
London Mayor Reportedly Let 200 Jihadis Into London UK

Sadiq Khan, the mayor of London and first Muslim to hold that position, admitted that between 200 to 400 British jihadis who had trained a...

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Deep State Gone Wild: Comey Asserts Unprecedented FBI Supremacy
Deep State Gone Wild: Comey Asserts Unprecedented FBI Supremacy

James Comey asserted in his extraordinary testimony before the Senate Intelligence Committee that the director of the Federal Bureau of In...

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David Rockefeller Was Obsessed With Eugenics & Globalism
David Rockefeller Was Obsessed With Eugenics & Globalism

Indeed, where does one begin when attempting to enumerate the evils embodied by this man? Chase Manhattan Bank? Chairman and CEO, David Ro...

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Satanic Pedophilia Network Exposed in Australia
Satanic Pedophilia Network Exposed in Australia

The New World Order cult that rules the world administers a Satanic Pedophilia Network, including top-level politicians like Australian ...

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History of Freemasonry and the Illuminati
History of Freemasonry and the Illuminati

The Illuminati “Popular history texts and encyclopedias generally paint the Illuminati as having its origins in 1776 Bavaria. However, th...

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Weather Channel Founder Backs Trump, Tells The TRUTH About Global Warming
Weather Channel Founder Backs Trump, Tells The TRUTH About Global Warming

President Donald Trump has been excoriated for his decision to have the United States exit the Paris Climate Accord. However, one very i...

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Trump to unveil $1 trillion infrastructure plan in 2017
Trump to unveil $1 trillion infrastructure plan in 2017

U.S. Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao said the Trump administration would unveil a $1 trillion infrastructure plan later this year, bu...

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Putin: Russia Will Nuke the US if They Enter Crimea
Putin: Russia Will Nuke the US if They Enter Crimea

Russian President Vladimir Putin has vowed that Russia will retaliate with a full-blown nuclear strike should the United States or NATO fo...

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While much of Hollywood has spent its political capital in the weeks since the election lambasting President-elect Donald Trump and fawnin...

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Melania Trump Bans Monsanto Products From The White House
Melania Trump Bans Monsanto Products From The White House

First Lady Melania Trump has banned Monsanto products from the White House after learning of the health effects associated with consuming ...

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Secretive Bilderberg group meetings begin in Virginia
Secretive Bilderberg group meetings begin in Virginia

The most powerful people in the world known as Bilderberg group will meet again and discuss their plans and agenda for the following and n...

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Hillary Clinton now blames “Macedonia” for election loss, in bizarre onstage interview
Hillary Clinton now blames “Macedonia” for election loss, in bizarre onstage interview

This is funny not just that Hillary blames Russia for losing election but she also blames 2 million country Macedonia and some website cre...

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Donald Trump confirms US will quit Paris climate agreement
Donald Trump confirms US will quit Paris climate agreement

Donald Trump has confirmed that he will withdraw the US from the Paris climate agreement , in effect ensuring the world’s second largest e...

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