

In this RT report, Bill Gates is filmed on several occasions expressing his support for eugenics and global depopulation. The supposed philanthropist, who recently funded a project to turn human waste into drinking water, has made no secret of the fact he wants to reduce the world’s population.

Image result for Bill gates depopulation

“The world today has 6.8 billion people,” Gates declares on footage from the early noughties. “That’s headed up to about 9 billion. Now, if we do a really great job, we can lower that by perhaps 10 or 15%.” In another interview, he says of developing communities: “There are benefits there in terms of reducing the population growth.” Gates also expresses support for “death panels” where authorities decide who gets to live or die rather than use any taxpayer money to save them.

The ‘philanthropist’ has also funded sterilization programs, and says we should differentiate between those who are worthy of life and those who “have no benefit whatsoever” to society. This cold, rational skewed ‘logic’ is terrifying.


Gates, who has $23m of shares in Monsanto, is responsible for widespread vaccination programs which have been linked to the Ebola outbreak. GMOs and vaccinations have both been linked to human illness and death, even though Big Pharma and Big Ag continue to ignore certain undeniable correlations.

Let’s ask ourselves this: If Gates is focused on his goal of reducing the number of people on our planet, why would he then fund vaccination programs to save lives? None of this makes any sense, unless the vaccinations are not meant to save lives at all.



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