

After watching a 9/11 truth DVD, Trump said: “Our advisors will investigate the claims made by the architects and engineers more thoroughly and draw their own conclusions from there. 

Richard Gage of Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth has said that Presidential candidate Donald Trump has promised to launch a full investigation into what really happened on September 11 2001 if he becomes President. 

Richard Gage of Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth has said that Presidential candidate Donald Trump has promised to launch a full investigation into what really happened on September 11 2001 if he becomes President.

After watching a 9/11 truth DVD, trump said: “Our advisors will investigate the claims made by the architects and engineers more thoroughly and draw their own conclusions from there. “

Trump is not a politician but the best way to understand him is first of all to see him as a sincere nationalist who sees that his nation has been undermined and taken over from within. Most Americans feel they have been screwed. They have. Trump can point out some of the real causes, but Americans have been so brainwashed that most of the truth is beyond them. Trump feeds their anger by taking the official lies at face value and playing up their contradictions. He is definitely flirting with fascism, determined that a globalist sleeper like Cruz who threatens to make the whole Middle East glow in the dark will not outdo him with the red meat.

There is no way that Trump does not know far more about 9/11 than what the rest of us can already gather from investigators such as Chris Bollyn, that it was a Jewish operation with shabbos goys. Trump doesn’t have to get into all that just now. It’s enough to show the obvious, that America was attacked on Bush’s watch.

It is nasty of Trump to dwell on the guilt of the Muslim couple accused of the San Bernardino massacre when he certainly knows they were innocent and were murdered in a false flag operation. But that is how the game is played.

So what is the game? You cannot restore America’s greatness without breaking the power of the Jews who control every aspect of it — politics, media, education, arms industry, and most of all finance. Trump challenges the Masters of Discourse by using their discourse at face value. So when Trump says that it is within the right of America to keep lists of Muslims and to spy on mosques that are a source of anti-American criminality, that is justified, given what he have been taught.

It takes just a slight adjustment from that — substitute “Jew” for “Muslim,” mutatis mutandis — to seeing the Neocons hanged.

Trump is threatening the whole globalist order.

All it will take is an independent official inquiry into 9/11.

Richard Gage of Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth says that the Trump campaign is the only one that has acknowledged receipt of their materials.

According to Gage, Trump is the only presidential candidate or major public figure who has written the Truther group a custom letter after being sent their DVDs and literature. Trump’s campaign, Gage said, thanked the members of Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth for their “continued support.”

“Thank you for your book and DVDs,” read the email, which Gage forwarded to me. “Our advisors will investigate the claims made by the architects and engineers more thoroughly and draw their own conclusions from there. We appreciate your continued support. Sincerely, The Trump Campaign.”

Gage and his group were thunder-struck.

“Someone actually acknowledged we took the time to send them something and said they would look at it,” Gage said. “That’s historic at this level of politics, a presidential candidate.”

Trump’s campaign did not respond to a request for comment.

When Trump made his comment that the entry of Muslims should be blocked “until we figure out what the hell is going on,” the level of violence against Muslims did not suddenly increase from the millions who have been slaughtered in Neocon wars. So why did three enemies of mankind, who do have those deaths on their ledger, suddenly pop out with denunciations of Trump’s anti-Muslim “hate”?

Because Cheney, Murdoch and Netanyahu know that if Trump gets to be president, they have had it.

And there are a lot more worried cockroaches trembling in the dark. Kevin Barrett has a go here at unraveling what is troubling leading Neocon William Kristol — and Jeb and Cheney — about the Trump candidacy.


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