

This is how GMO is making depopulation.

Millions of bees dropped dead after GMO corn was planted few weeks ago in Ontario, Canada. The local bee keeper, Dave Schuit who produces honey in Elmwood lost about 37 million bees which are about 600 hives.


“Once the corn started to get planted our bees died by the millions,” Schuit said. While many bee keepers blame neonicotinoids, or “neonics.” for colony collapse of bees and many countries in EU have banned neonicotinoid class of pesticides, the US Department of Agriculture fails to ban insecticides known as neonicotinoids, manufactured by Bayer CropScience Inc.

Nathan Carey another local farmer says that this spring he noticed that there were not enough bees on his farm and he believes that there is a strong correlation between the disappearance of bees and insecticide use.

New research shows that neonicotinoid pesticides kill honeybees by damaging their immune system:

A new study published in the Journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences revealed that neonicotinoid pesticides kill honeybees by damaging their immune system and making them unable to fight diseases and bacteria.

The research team in Italy suggests that exposure to neonicotinoid pesticides results in increased levels of a protein in bees that prevents an important molecule involved in the immune system respond making bees more susceptible to be attacked by harmful viruses.

The findings of the leading author of the study, Francesco Pennacchio, and his colleagues show that millions of bees are dying because insecticides like neonicotinoid pesticides that are mainly suppressing the immune system of bees.

In fact, the research team discovered that a protein family similar to what found in other animals is responsible for regulating the immune response in bees. The researchers found out that once bees are exposed to lethal doses of the neonicotinoid clothianidin, the leucine-rich repeat protein family (known as LRR) can suppress the activity of a key protein involved in immune signalling, called NF-κB.

When the researchers infected bees (who were exposed to neonicotinoid pesticides) with a common pathogen known as deformed wing virus, there was a significant increase in replication of the virus. The virus is known to be common in bees but it’s kept under control by the bees’ immune system. However, the bees exposed to neonicotinoid pesticides have a little chance of survival since the insecticide suppresses the immune system of the bees.

“The reported effect on immunity exerted by neonicotinoids will allow additional toxicological tests to be defined to assess if chronic exposure of bees to sub-lethal doses of agrochemicals can adversely affect their immune system and health conditions,” says team member Francesco Nazzi of the University of Udine. “Moreover, our data indicate the possible occurrence in insects, as in vertebrates, of a neural modulation of the immune response. This sets the stage for future studies in this research area, and poses the question on how neurotoxic substances may affect the immune response.”

As much as biotech companies and their financial beneficiaries want to pretend that the problem has absolutely nothing to do with GMOs at all, but rather the pesticides, the fact is that 94% of GMO corn are treated with neonicotinoids and since the introduction of GMOs, the use of pesticides has increased by 500 million pounds:

Millions of bees die because of Neonicotinoid pesticides manufactured by Bayer and Syngenta and 94% of GMO corn in US is treated with either imidacloprid or clothianidin pesticides. As a matter of fact, majority of GM corn and soy are treated with neonicotinoid pesticides. Also, despite the false promises of biotech that GM crops will reduce the use of pesticides, the truth is that since introduction of GMOs, the use of pesticides have increased by 500 million pounds. In fact, according to the Pesticide Action Network of North America (PANNA), 94 percent of U.S. corn seeds are treated with either imidacloprid or clothianidin and as a result, honey bees are subjected to increasingly toxic load of neonicotinoids in corn fields:

While EU countries implant a two-year ban on the use of toxic neonicotinoid insecticides – clothianidin, imidacloprid and thiamethoxam – USDA once again fails to ban these toxic insecticides:

More and more evidence are merging that neonicotinoid insecticides have an important role in decline of bees’ population. Besides harming bees, the new studies suggest that neonicotinoid pesticides can also be harmful to human’s health.Neonicotinoid pesticides remain in every part of the plant including roots, pollen, leaves and nectar and if bees, pests or bugs drink water from the plants’ droplets, the neurotoxin kills them right away.
The genetic engineering has failed to keep its promise of using fewer pesticides and insecticides:

A report by Charles Benbrook (a research professor at the Center for Sustaining Agriculture and Natural Resources at Washington State University) shows that since the introduction of GMOs, the use of chemicals have increased by 500 million pounds.

Didn’t biotech promise that GMOs would be helping the environment while feeding the poor and hungry? Well, GMOs have had the opposite results and have led to many problems in US and the world agriculture (from superweeds and superpests to spread of new diseases in the soil) and environment. While neonicotinoid class of pesticides destroys and damages the immune system of bees, Monsanto’s best herbicide weed killer continues to weaken the immune system in human beings.

However, US regulatory agencies including USDA and FDA fail to simply ban these toxic chemicals that are contaminating our air, water and food supply.


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  1. Who is the FDA and the USDA working for? I wonder if the masters of these culpable corporations are listed in the panama papers?

    1. The FDA and the USDA are paid by the Companies they are supposed to regulate . (Proven fact , no citations available )You can perform due diligence to verify though ! Not much of a conflict of interest involved but the more stuff that makes by the inspectors the higher the paycheck .

    2. The FDA and the USDA are paid by the Companies they are supposed to regulate . (Proven fact , no citations available )You can perform due diligence to verify though ! Not much of a conflict of interest involved but the more stuff that makes by the inspectors the higher the paycheck .

    3. This story is 5 yrs old - and it was 60 hives - seems to get bigger everytime its posted... Major Fail!

    4. In any event these are dangerous chemicals. Do you remember when blue birds almost became extinct because of DDT, frogs were deformed, on n on...It was finally banned. Do we have to have most of bees dead b4 anyone wakes up? All these chemicals affect humans, too. Maybe the root of the problem is overpopulation of humans. Too many mouths to feed.

  2. This article has been recirculated periodically for years and has been debunked by Snopes in the past. One of the first things about this article that jumps out at anyone who has lived in southern Ontario, the warmest climate in the province, is the timing. This article is reporting bee deaths from planting which occurred weeks ago. That would put planting in March. Did anyone check the current weather forecast, let alone the March temperatures? No farmer in their right mind plants corn in a frozen field where nighttime temperatures fall below freezing, and many daytime temperatures would freeze corn seedlings solid. How hard is it to do some simple fact checking?

    1. I just did a quick check of snopes, since you mentioned that it had been debunked in the past, and all I see is a piece saying that it unproven. Is that what you are referring to, or can you give a link to a different snopes piece?
      Thanks! MDD

    2. Snopes has been debunked as well. They are a couple that form opinion based on information obtained from the same sources you yourself can access . Information cokored by their own inate prejudices depending on content of the issue !

    3. Snopes has been debunked as well. They are a couple that form opinion based on information obtained from the same sources you yourself can access . Information cokored by their own inate prejudices depending on content of the issue !

    4. Like Wikipedia, Snopes is contributed to by many different authors, all of which are cited at the bottom of every article. If one definition in Webster dictionary was false it would not falsify the entire dictionary, and likewise Snopes cannot be "debuked" even if one article is called into question, since its content is not singularly authored and/or interrelated.

      The couple you are referring to are the original two owners/authors that started the project. You cannot possibly believe they alone have the time to write hundreds of articles per day do you?

      In any case, all articles provide hyperlinked references to their info, so feel free to draw your own conclusions if you disagree with a particular article.

    5. OK, so what about it being debunked by another group of Pro-Bee activists?

      It's been roundly proven to be a truck-load of fantasy.

  3. Makes sense....Certainly there is no corn planted during March in Ontario. Heck on the 10th March 2016 it is still snowing in Ontario! They haven't even planted out on Vancouver Island!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Here's the same article from 2013

    1. Looks like this is the original:

    2. There's even an older one, apparently (2012)- from the actual farmer named in the article...

  6. This is not a present day photo. It snowed this week in Ontario. Planting hasn't started yet.

  7. the is anti-science garbage. There is no basis in reality here.


  9. This is All Done by the Monsanto's Corporation, working on depopulation. Will also take any farmers crops that grow next to theirs. They'll Shut Em Down!!

    1. I love the way you luddite omniphobes always say "Monsanto" even when the article is about neonics produced by Bayer and Syngenta.

  10. This article is 2-3 years old...

  11. Talk about wipeouts. This is the sad truth that companies don't act in thebbest interest of protecting other types of pollination aiding insects like bees that play a critical part in the fruits or vegetables we eat ir flowers. So much waste of effort n time that just got flushed down the tube just like that? DUMB REALLY DUMB!

  12. Okay so its a few years old, that doesn't lesson the message - did this really happen? These bees dying is nothing to take lightly - GMO products and pesticides should be banned - period.

  13. Okay so its a few years old, that doesn't lesson the message - did this really happen? These bees dying is nothing to take lightly - GMO products and pesticides should be banned - period.

  14. It's very good that you don't have a corn allergy but many people have. I've known about it from and I can say that it's a little bit terrible if someone has an allergy because he/she cannot taste everything. [-(

  15. BEES DON'T POLINATE CORN. The wind does, which makes this story fake.
    The paticular pesticides mentioned do kill bees but they would not be near corn.

  16. Famine will come when the bee's die off.....
    U.S. is buying South African bees.

  17. I miss our bees.I had a large bloom on a palm tree that would have thousand's ob bees on it normally.The sound was amazing to listen to.
    Now not a one.
    So very sad.

  18. If these companies don't care how many of us contract cancer from their pesticides do you think they give a Damn about Bees!

