Russian cryptocurrency investor and YouTube blogger Pavel Makushin, known as Pavel Nyashin, has been found dead in his apartment in St. Petersburg.
He may have committed suicide according to Russian tabloids.
Makushin’s death comes after his apartment was robbed in January, and he had 24 million rubles (about $380,000) stolen from his safe.
The blogger later said that some of the stolen money was not his, and that the assault came after he had boasted about his wealth on YouTube.
Makushin’s mother told the Ren TV channel that he could have taken his own life because of the debt.
The 23-year old man had a popular YouTube channel with almost 20,000 subscribers. He positioned himself as cryptocurrency trader and investor.
In February, creator of cryptocurrency PRISM, Yury Mayorov, was robbed of 300 bitcoin worth $3 million at the time, as well as $20,000 in cash and three iPhones.
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