
Facebook blocked our site WUC-NEWS.Com Help Us Please
Facebook blocked our site WUC-NEWS.Com Help Us Please

We know how Facebook and other social media sites works. As long as you post entertainment stuff for the sheeple then your good. But when...

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North Korea Planned Nuclear Confrontation
North Korea Planned Nuclear Confrontation

"North Korea would launch a ballistic missile attack on the United States if Washington made a pre-emptive strike against the communi...

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Jesus Christ is God Incarnate
Jesus Christ is God Incarnate

"...they shall call his name  EMMANUEL , which being interpreted is,  GOD WITH US ." --MATTHEW 1:23

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Why did Jesus die? Why did Jesus shed his blood?
Why did Jesus die? Why did Jesus shed his blood?

Jesus died for each one of us. We have all have sinned and come short of the glory of God. There are no exceptions. People lie, steal, kil...

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Japan Bolsters Crypto Exchange Regulations to Prevent Another Coincheck
Japan Bolsters Crypto Exchange Regulations to Prevent Another Coincheck

Japanese regulators have announced stricter regulations for cryptocurrency exchanges in an effort to prevent another heist like the one th...

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UK Watchdog Orders Cambridge Analytica To Surrender All Info On US Voter
UK Watchdog Orders Cambridge Analytica To Surrender All Info On US Voter

British data watchdog has ordered Cambridge Analytica to turn over all the information it collected on an American voter, including any p...

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Canadian man celebrates birthday, retirement and wins lottery on the same day
Canadian man celebrates birthday, retirement and wins lottery on the same day

A Canadian man hit the trifecta over the weekend.

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Reddit hopes to relaunch cryptocurrency payments - and not just Bitcoin, either
Reddit hopes to relaunch cryptocurrency payments - and not just Bitcoin, either

Reddit is hoping to reinstate cryptocurrency as an option for payment in the near future.

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Trump has date and place for Kim Jong-un meeting
Trump has date and place for Kim Jong-un meeting

President Donald Trump told reporters on Friday that a date and location have been set for his historic meeting with North Korean leader K...

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The 6 Top Cryptocurrency Alternatives to Bitcoin
The 6 Top Cryptocurrency Alternatives to Bitcoin

In many ways, bitcoin has carried the cryptocurrency market on its back. For years, prior to March 2017, bitcoin comprised between 75% and...

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Unemployment rate falls to record 3.9% in April
Unemployment rate falls to record 3.9% in April

The April jobs report is out and it’s a mixed bag. In April, the U.S. economy added 164,000 jobs while the unemployment rate fell to 3.9%,...

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Chinese police hunt man who walked off beach with a dolphin
Chinese police hunt man who walked off beach with a dolphin

Chinese authorities are looking for a man who was filmed carrying a dolphin over his shoulder at a beach in the city of Guangdong.

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Russian crypto-millionaire, 23, found dead in St. Petersburg apartment
Russian crypto-millionaire, 23, found dead in St. Petersburg apartment

Russian cryptocurrency investor and YouTube blogger Pavel Makushin, known as Pavel Nyashin, has been found dead in his apartment in St. Pe...

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