

A pro-cannabis doctor, and big pharma activist, was found stabbed to death at her home, having died of a knife wound to her abdomen.Police say they have been unable to determine whether 40-year-old Dr. Sonya Kay Forbes was murdered, or committed suicide after she was found dead in her bedroom.

The former Miss Jamaica-turned-medical doctor was an eye specialist at Kingston Public Hospital where she was a senior resident.She was also part of a study into the cellular mechanism of the eye which proved that marijuana may improve vision for patients suffering from long-term visual impairment. The research was based on an observation that Jamaican fisherman who smoked or consumed marijuana had excellent night vision.Her studies have found that after applying a cannabinoid to the eye tissues of tadpoles, the cannabinoids made certain retinal cells more sensitive to light, and improved the speed and which the eye responded to even a dim stimulus.

Before she died, she was campaigning for government funding into further research for the use of cannabis for medicinal purposes.Dr. Forbes was working for hospitals and medical practices to move away from their dependency on large pharmaceutical companies.Aside from her own research, she was also helping to promote the use of marijuana in treating cancer and other terminal illnesses where the current treatments are extremely expensive and rarely cure patients.Dr. Forbes body was found at her premises on Arthur Wint Drive in Kingston with a fatal stab wound to the abdomen, yet police say they haven’t made a crucial breakthrough and still have no leads.

Detectives say they are still considering the possibility that she had killed herself, despite friends and family claiming the “happy and ambitious” young doctor was in “no way suicidal”.”At this time, the matter is still being treated as a death investigation, not as a murder or a homicide,” one police source told Loop News.The source said detectives are now awaiting the coroner’s report to determine how the case is treated going forward.”We are now awaiting the coroner’s report to determine the cause of death, the information will also be used to inform detectives how they will proceed in the matter,” the police source said.A date as to when the coroner’s report will be released was not disclosed.

Reports are that at about 7:20 pm, a family member discovered Dr. Forbes’ body inside her bedroom at her home.She had reportedly died of a stab wound to her abdomen.The police were alerted and the body removed.The St Andrew Central Police are investigating.Dr. Forbes was a senior resident of Ophthalmology at the Kingston Public Hospital.A number of people took to social media to express shock and grief over her death, with the majority of persons speculating that the doctor was murdered.

”This is so gut-wrenching – who could’ve done such a cowardly act, to someone so promising?” one man wrote in response to the story on Facebook.Another close friend took to Facebook suggesting that she had been murdered to silence her research, as regular criminals never harm medical professionals as part of “jungle law”, saying: “Now I am sure we are steadily descending into HELL! “One jungle law I know of is the fact that bad men do not hurt doctors and nurses, simply because they realize that may need them one day!” The investigation into her death continues.


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