Initially, Dr James Winer’s office staff would not say how he died. They publicly stated they didn’t want people calling the office asking questions, either. Then our story came out. Hours later, after they were inundated by many more inquiries, they said he died of cardiac arrest in another state. (We are told by his patients that he died here in Florida and that he was brought in as a John Doe after missing for days.)
We are so sorry he died unexpectedly, but we want and will get answers; when he was allegedly missing, where he died (they won’t say Florida or even give a state to his grieving patients online), why he was allegedly brought in as a John Doe and what exactly happened in the interim.
Hundreds of his patients are demanding answers and stating that they want the whole story (apparently Dr Winer recently spoke about all the doctors who had died). Another patient (verified in Pittsburgh) posted (we have screenshots) that they were waiting to hear him lecture a few days ago and were told he was just stuck in traffic. However, it turns out he was really missing and is now dead. Once we can confirm which county he died in, we’ll pull autopsy reports. We realize it’s a lot for a staff to handle, but we have droves of patients writing us saying that they were told this by the staff and they want more answers as to what happened. So do we. Dr Winer literally had thousands of fans on his Facebook page alone and thousands of daily listeners to his radio show in multiple states. It is with a heavy heart that I bring you the sad news of the death of self-described holistic doctor, James Winer, of Pittsburgh Pennsylvania (just minutes from where I used to live). I have had patients writing me all day about the news but wanted to have a bit more information on the late great doc and outspoken radio show host before I shared this tragedy. (I waited over eleven hours after it was announced publicly.) Thousands are in shock about the death of what I am told was a very (self-described) healthy man. The circumstances of his death, however, remained shrouded in mystery. One reader wrote to tell us the following:
“It appears he left on Tuesday for a trip with a friend or to meet up with someone for Thanksgiving and he never returned to Pittsburgh. My friend and I messaged me (sic) on Saturday after Thanksgiving that he was missing and we were so afraid. Then today my (immediate family, name withheld) was at the office and they confirmed he was found yesterday as a John Doe in hospital and they pulled the plug. No ID on him. Nothing. My (relative at his office- relation omitted) said that everything was out of ordinary, as he checks in, never misses etc. he was a loved doctor on Pitttsburgh and speaks out often against vaccines. “ While Dr Winer was 70 years old he looked much younger. His patients have told us he was a vegetarian for about 30.
Our heart goes out to his family and friends. His office has asked that no one call them to ask what has happened. They will give updates, as they have them, on Dr Winer’s Facebook page. His biography reads as follows:
Dr. James Winer is one of the leading pioneers in the natural health field. For over forty-five years he has been on the cutting edge of the alternative health movement, serving in a wide variety of capacities. Editor of the “Journal of Energy Medicine” Associate Director of the Price-Pottenger Nutrition Research Foundation (a prestigious Foundation founded by two giants in the nutrition field, Dr. Weston Price, DDS and Dr. Francis Pottenger, Jr., MD) Education Director of the Hippocrates Health Institute in San Diego (a residential health center founded by Dr. Ann Wigmore) Director of the National Health Project Convention Director of the National Health Federation He is also the author of books, audio, and videotapes, and articles on natural health, instructor of nutrition at a university, fitness instructor at an undergraduate college, and currently the founder and director of the Winer Wellness Center in Pittsburgh, PA. Dr. Winer has traveled throughout the world studying and teaching natural health principles. While living in France, he attended the University of Paris. He graduated Magna Cum Laude from Brandeis University and graduated valedictorian of his class at Life University, where he received his doctorate summa cum laude. In addition to teaching and lecturing across the United States, Dr. Winer has appeared on thousands of radio and television programs in Pittsburgh, PA and across the country. Dr Winer currently hosts over thirty-one weekly radio shows in the western Pennsylvania, northern West Virginia, and eastern Ohio tri-state area. Source:
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