God give you beautiful body but this people try to destroy it.
Forget those painted brows and fake breasts, there are some extremes of body modifications you wouldn’t even think of. Yet some people DID. #1 35-year-old former lawyer Maria Jose Cristerna claims it was a history of domestic violence – which she suffered at the hands of her ex-husband – which caused her to re-invent herself as the vampire woman.
#2 Meet Rick Genest, a.k.a. The Zombie Boy. As well as his numerous TV appearances and interviews, he’s best known for appearing in the Lady Gaga music video for Born This Way, as well as the Keanu Reeves movie 47 Ronin. #3 For the female members of the Kayan Lahwi tribe in northern Thailand, the brass rings they are famed for wearing in order to give the impression of having an elongated neck has led to the nickname of the giraffe women. #4 As terrifying as it may sound, eyeball jewellery implants are in fact a real thing. #5 Kala Kaiwa, also known as the Hawaiian Mutant or The Horned Man, currently holds the world record for having the largest non-surgically made stretch earlobes, which measure 109mm in diameter. #6 If you ever had the urge to look like Galadriel the elf from Lord Of The Rings, then ear pointing could be the body modification for you. #7 Stalking car (real name Dennis Avner) was famed for altering his appearance in order to resemble a female tiger. He at one time held the record for ‘most permanent transformations to look like an animal’.
#8 Lip plates, also known as lip plugs or lip discs, have been used as far back as 8700 BC in Sudan and Ethiopia. Today the custom is still maintained by a few groups in Africa and Amazonia. #9 Also known as cheek flesh tunnels, this graphic and extreme body modification is beginning to grow in popularity. The process is done in a similar way to many stretched out piercings, such as extended earlobes or lip plates. #10 Most kids dream of growing up to be superheroes, but instead of imagining he was Captain America, a young Henry Damon wished to become the Marvel hero’s nemesis: The Red Skull. Source:
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