This whole thing with the Illuminati and a Shadow Government may be unreal to many people, but stay with me for a while and give it a chance. I encourage you to read this introductory, over-viewing article before you read anything else from this website, unless you are already familiar with the Illuminati. Even then it would probably be refreshing to read it. This article is exactly just that - an overview.
I am not trying to convince you that I have the whole picture to present to you, but I do say that I am very certain that an agenda to control the whole world and create a One World Government, an old goal for these people, is about to be completed, and it's bound to happen in YOUR lifetime. Most of us agree that something is very wrong with this world. Civil wars, diseases, famine, ethnic cleansing, religious wars, different violations of human rights ... the list is long and it just goes on. Are all those bad conditions totally separated from each other, or do they have a common source?
All I ask from you is to think for yourself and have an open mind. Throw away everything "you've been told", things "you've learnt in school", what you've "heard on the radio", what you've "seen on Television", what "politicians have told you" etc. - just for a moment. Let's start thinking for ourselves for just awhile. It's not too often we have that opportunity when we on a daily basis are bombarded with information and propaganda wherever we are. We are constantly fed with opinions, bad news and lies, and there are tons of untold secrets. Life is hectic; we have to earn a living, and we are afraid to be laid off work. Our survival is threatened constantly, at least that's how it seems, and this is primarily occupying our thinking these days. So what is it that causes so much fear and uncertainty in our lives? Is life really this threatening, or is somebody creating a condition of fear and terror on purpose? Much of this fear and terror is spread through Media, which are owned by a few people at the very top of the society, whom I sometimes call the "Puppet Masters" or the "Brotherhood". And those people have their very own dark agenda. The Illuminati (not to be confused with the Bavarian Illuminati; more about that later) is a very secretive group of occult practitioners who have been around for thousands and thousands of years and are using the Jewish Cabala as one of their guidelines to oppress the rest of the population. It is not a boys' club or a group of adults trying to get some excitement in life; this is something much bigger and much more sinister. It is an extremely well structured organization consisting of people in very High Places. Those people are the Super Wealthy, who stand above the law. Many of them don't even appear on the list of the wealthiest people in the world - they are that secret. What is driving them is power, money and control over life and death of others and themselves.
The word Illuminati means 1. People claiming to be unusually enlightened with regard to a subject. 2. Illuminati Any of various groups claiming special religious enlightenment. Latin illmint, from pl. of illmintus, past participle of illminre, to light up. See illuminate. These definitions are taken from "The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language". Like the definitions tell us, any group which considers itself "enlightened" could rightfully call themselves the Illuminati. This is also the case! If you google "The Illuminati", you will find quite a few groups claiming this name. It can be confusing, so before we continue, I want to make very clear that the Illuminati we are discussing here is NOT a benevolent secret society who wants to bring peace and harmony to this world by helping to bring back freedom to the people. I know such a benevolent group exists and also happens to call itself "The Illuminati", so I apologize if some people will mix up the different groups. The Illuminati I am exposing here is the super-rich Power Elite with an ambition to create a slave society! The Illuminati are the top players on the International playground, basically belonging to the thirteen of the wealthiest families in the world, and they are the men who really rule the world from behind the scenes (yes, they are mostly men, with a few exceptions). They are the REAL Decision Makers, who make up the rules for presidents and governments to follow, and they are often held from public scrutiny, as their action can't stand scrutiny. They are connected by bloodlines going back thousands and thousands of years in time, and they are very careful keeping those bloodlines as pure as possible from generation to generation. The only way to do so is by inbreeding. That is why you so often see royalties marry royalties, for example. Their parents decide whom their children should marry. Their power lies in the occult, (magic rituals) and in economy - money creates power. The Illuminati own all the International banks, the oil-businesses, the most powerful businesses of industry and trade, they infiltrate politics and education and they own most governments - or at the very least control them. They even own Hollywood and the Music Industry. A good example is the American election for presidency. It is no secret that the candidate who gets the most sponsorship in form of money and positive Media coverage wins the election, as this gives the power to "un-create" the opposed candidate and effectively promote the candidate who will follow the plans of the Illuminati. Media, knowing how to manipulate ignorant people, can easily steer an election in a desired direction so the candidate that's been selected by the Illuminati wins. More often than not, it is the candidate with the 'purest bloodline' and who is the most corrupt that will be chosen for the job. The Illuminati put in top positions people who they know have a dark past, so they can be easily controlled. If these appointed people, who are promised fame and fortune if they follow the rules, are breaking the same rules, the Puppet Masters can easily get them back in line by threatening to put their dirty laundry out to dry in public. If that doesn't help, the person will end up like John F. Kennedy and others. More often than not the Illuminati sponsor both sides to have a game to entertain the ignorant public. They decide who will be the next president, and they see to that their man wins, even if they have to cheat like they did in Florida when President George W Bush "won" over Al Gore. Even if their pre-elected candidate for some reason can't win and the other candidate does, they just go to Plan B, which is very well structured and prepared before hand, should this happen. So basically, no matter which candidate wins the race, THEY win. They control both the Democratic and Republican parties. Most president campaigns are financed with drug money, which is understandable when you understand that the Illuminati run the drug trade industry as well (more about this elsewhere on this website). Elections are really not necessary, but they let us vote so we can have a game, and by letting us do so, they pretend to follow the Constitution. It gives us an illusion of choice. But isn't the President running the game? Not the least. Think of the President as the CEO of big corporate America. He is the decision maker as long as he is following the polices of the company. If he should have own ideas how to change things, he needs approval from the real owners of America Inc., which is the Hidden Hand, the Illuminati. The power is not with the politicians, but with the Illuminati, whose top players, as far up in power as we can confirm, are mostly of a Sectarian Jewish Elite, who in modern time use Zionism as a tool to create a Jewish State in Israel with Jerusalem as their Capitol. Zionists are not to be confused with the common Jews, who have nothing to do with this treason against humanity. Soon enough you will see that you don't even have to be a Christian to realize that the Bible Prophecies anticipating an AntiChrist and the "End of the World as we now it" are actually unfolding right before our eyes! The leading candidates for Presidency are carefully chosen from the occult bloodlines of the thirteen Illuminati families, and if we research all the Presidents of the United States from the beginning and up to present time, we will find that almost all of them are of the same royal bloodline, and they are all "family"; related by ancestry and family trees. Royalty is equivalent to the Illuminati. We have heard a lot about this during presidential campaigns lately, where mass media have revealed the family ties between the candidates and also showed how a certain candidate is of royal blood. The Illuminati have "six disciplines of training" within their Family. These are: 1. Military 2. Government 3. Spiritual 4. Scholarship 5. Leadership 6. Science Each member is schooled extensively in all of them from early childhood. Like an Illuminati member said: "With the addition [to the above six disciplines] of a complicit Media machine and ownership of your Financial establishments, all bases are covered." One thing I want to make clear here is that any person can join a secret society if you are accepted, but no one can join the Illuminati. You are born into it and have to be of the right bloodline. Greedy and evil people join their agenda for power and money, but they can't join the Illuminati itself. Important distinction. So what is the true goal of the Illuminati? The main goal is to create a One World Government, with them on top to rule the world into slavery and dictatorship. George Bush Sr. and a few other major players like Mikhail Gorbachev and Gordon Brown have openly called for a New World Order, which is referring to this One World Government. In fact it's nothing new with the New World Order, it's the same Old World Order that has always been in place. The only difference is that now they want to put the crown upon the head of their World Dictator, and with that their mission is completed; the Battle of Planet Earth is won! This is a very old goal of theirs, and to understand it fully, one must realize that this goal isn't of a kind that's supposed to be obtained within one lifetime; it has been a goal that slowly is to be reached over a long period of time. However, they have accomplished more in this direction during the last few decades than they have done in hundreds of years, due to the Industrialization and the Information Technology Era. Their immediate task is to lower the living standard of the developed countries, like the United States and Europe, to a low enough level so the government can more easily control us (you can see this happening). The living standard in the third world countries will then increase to the same low level that is planned for the developed countries, so that it all evens out. To be able to accomplish a "New World Order", the living standard must be similar all over the world - they want a uniform world to rule over. We can see this goal slowly being reached right before our eyes. The following article shows it clearly: Africa and Asia Push for 'New World Order'. This goal has been planned away from the public, in secrecy within Secret Societies. Most Secret Societies with secret grades of initiation are these days controlled by this malevolent Illuminati cabal, and Freemasonry is perhaps the best known of them all. Although Freemasonry and a few other secret societies were not created by the Puppet Masters, they have been infiltrated over time and there are very few unique ones left that are actually working against the Power Bloodlines. The Elite that controls the societies and the Illuminati are occultists and black magicians. They say their God is Lucifer, "The Light Bearer", and by occult practices they manipulate and influence the masses. Although branches of the Illuminati are Gnostic in nature and claim to acknowledge Lucifer as the Head of the Game, even that seems to be a deception. With time and after years of research, I've come to understand that Lucifer is not equivalent to Satan, but they are two different entities. The REAL power behind the Brotherhood is therefore not Lucifer, but Satan himself! Hence, it is correct to refer to this cabal as being Satanists and not Luciferian. It doesn't matter if you and I believe in this or not, as long as they do. And they take it very seriously. It's a breath-taking thought that this planet, as a matter of fact, is run with Black Magic - a planet where magic is not supposed to exist at all in any shape and form, except in the movies and in books, and if somebody tells you it does exist, he/she will most certainly be ridiculed. After people have watched movies like "Lord of the Rings" they wish there was more magic in their lives; little do they know... From the occult, science, mind control and Intelligence have developed. By taking over the Movie Industry, the Record companies, and by their control of the Fine Arts, they know how to influence the teenagers to dance to their tune and accept their kind of reality. This makes sense if you look at what kind of "entertainment" we are enforced to enjoy. If you doubt it, just look at what influence the modern music has on the kids; it's not uplifting and doesn't have love and compassion as its end product. It promotes darkness, not light. And I am talking about the overall effect, not individual artists, whom on rare occasions may release something positive. In fact, the music the teenagers have to listen to is often totally without quality and lead many of them into "robotism", apathy, violence and drugs. It's also used for mind control, as we shall see later. Real quality music is rejected by the big record companies in favor for those with lack of talent. Since Black Sabbath in the beginning of the 70:s and the Rolling Stones before them, Satanism (magic and black magic) has been promoted through the music industry. Many groups followed on the same track and have always been Hard Sale and heavily promoted and distributed. Ozzy Osbourne is still going strong as is his buddy, Marilyn Manson. Some people dispute that Black Sabbath were into Black Magic, but were actually singing about God and condemning Satan. This is of course not true, but a playing with words. It doesn't matter how you present the lyrics when the vibration of the music is dark and gloomy. Tony Iommi, the guitar player in Black Sabbath, tuned down his guitar to create this low vibration in their music, something that the later Heavy Metal and Death Metal Industry adopted big time. Geezer Butler, bass player in Black Sabbath and the one who wrote most lyrics, admitted in public that Black Sabbath were into black magic. The same thing goes with Hollywood, which is also controlled and created by the Jewish branch of the Illuminati
and the Mafia (same Masters). The "E.T"-movies, Dooms Day films and catastrophe-movies all align with the purpose to influence us in certain directions, as we shall see later in this article. Occult movies have also been made popular by Walt Disney and others to influence our children. All to prepare for days to come. Still, for those with eyes to see and ears to hear, there is a lot to learn from the Hollywood movies. The Brotherhood loves to put the truth out there in plain sight in form of symbolism and coded messages. Those with the knowledge to interpret it will be able to get the message. The rest of the population only see an entertaining movie played out in front of them. They miss the whole point. I told you above that the men who control the Illuminati are members of thirteen wealthy families. Who they are has always been a well hidden secret, and the leadership has gone from man to man over generations. Nevertheless, no secrecy is kept forever, and sooner or later there will be leaks, so also in this case. Not many people knew who these families are exactly, but quite recently this has become known, due to people from the Illuminati who have left the Order and revealed the most remarkable information. So here are the names of the 13 families - the Secret Government (and here is another link, in case one of the websites goes down, and here is yet another one).
1. Reynolds2. Disney3. Krupp4. McDonald Also, in addition to those four families, there are hundreds of others that are more remotely connected to the main 13 Illuminati bloodlines. Although significant, they are not mentioned here; they are considered less powerful and less "pure" by the 13 Elite Bloodlines. All the families above can be studied in much more detail in Fritz Springmeier's excellent book: "Bloodlines of the Illuminati".
Secret Societies Click on the picture to enlarge The Secret Societies have been present in the history of man for a very long time. It all started thousands and thousands of years ago with the "Brotherhood of the Snake", a secret society that goes back all the way to the time of Garden of Eden and old Sumer. Most secret societies have been created with a purpose to keep hidden, spiritual knowledge away from the masses, to be shared only by a selected few of the Power Elite, who have generationally ruled over mankind behind the scenes since ancient times. George Carlin, the late comedian, described it very well when he talked about an Exclusive Club ruling over us, and we are not in it. Don't think for a second that people who have reached the top in society, whether it is in science, politics, music and art, Hollywood, banking or whatnot, have done so merely because they were smart, had talent and/or high intelligence. No, they had access to hidden information that common people don't have access to. Einstein, Ford, Carnegie, Clinton, Bush, Obama - the list goes on - they all had help from one secret society of another. Secret societies are also called Brotherhoods for a reason. Once you become a member you swear allegiance to the Brotherhood and promise to serve them before ANYTHING else. This is very important to understand, because it means that the President of the United States swore an allegiance to serve the Brotherhood BEFORE he serves the country. With other words, the Brotherhood owns him and ultimately decides what he should or shouldn't do. You are in the hands of the higher rank members of the secret society you're signed up with, and this becomes more obvious the higher up their ladder you climb. One very important purpose with a secret society is to help other members and have an exchange of secret information - if you scratch my back, I'll scratch yours. On a very high level, from where the powers-that-be operate, various esoteric and powerful information is exchanged so that these "special" people, almost always of the certain 13 Bloodlines, can reach the goals that they decide for themselves and others. So much for the "American Dream" where we all are supposed to have a chance to become rich and powerful in the land of opportunities if we put our minds to it. This, of course, is just an illusion and will not happen unless you are "one of them" and go to the "right schools". Every once in a while, some "common person" slips through the crack and actually becomes something big on his/her own, WITHOUT help from the Brotherhood, but this is very unusual. Even if so, you are not very likely to keep your success if you in any way step on the feet of the powers-that-be. If you do, they will destroy you or your wealth. If you are considered "harmless" they may let you get away with it just to "prove" that anyone can make it in the United States. The truth is that this person of the people who actually made it, did it despite the efforts from the Brotherhood to make it almost impossible. This is how the world is, and has always been, set up. A few people in power have access to some very secret spiritual (and other kind of) knowledge which gives them the privilege to step a hundred miles ahead of us "common people", to make sure THEY keep the power, and they keep it within their bloodlines. Usually, "common" people are welcome to apply for membership in secret societies and are sometimes accepted, but 98% or so are just "foot people", a face outwards toward the society and never reach the top, where the true secret knowledge is taught for the "worthy". Therefore, it's just smoke and mirrors for most members, and on the surface the secret societies serve as charity organizations, or help organizations to show the world that they are indeed benevolent and there is nothing to fear. It's a perfect front, but now that front is breaking more and more as the real truth about these societies comes out in the open. Also important to mention is that there are benevolent secret societies as well, that were created as opposed to the Brotherhood controlled by the 13 Bloodlines. These "friendly" societies were created to keep THEIR intentions and knowledge away from the 13 Bloodlines, especially during times when oppression has been severe, like in the Dark Ages for example. These benevolent secret societies still exist, but are now more and more coming out in the open due to the necessity to do so. We live in a very special time, and some of these more friendly oriented societies will come out and teach mankind some very important spiritual lessons. Keep your eyes and ears open and you will soon know about them! Research points in the direction that an "Alien Agenda" is on the Government's table as one among many other options to ring in a One World Government and a One World Dictator. They want to create an 'outside threat', a fake Alien Invasion, so that the countries of this world will be willing to unite as ONE, to fight the 'threat' from outer space. If this succeeds, the Illuminati Goal is completed. This is what we are getting prepared for in mass media right now, where they report more UFO sightings than perhaps ever before. Although there is evidence of ET societies visiting us on this planet, both benevolent and malevolent in nature, their agendas are not what I am talking about here. The UFOs people see are a mix of both government vehicles and alien ships, but if there is an alien threat being presented by the government (including holograms of spaceships in the sky) we are not talking about an alien invasion, but an attempt to scare the world population into uniting so they can ring in the final step of their World Order once and for all. For your information, I have a whole UFOs and Alien section on my website, and I hope some of those article will help you with your own research. (NOTE: If you, the reader, have a problem accepting the alien part of this agenda, feel free to exclude it from the picture for now, and please continue to read. You will most certainly find the evidence overwhelming on this website with- or without the alien involvement. The information speaks for itself). The Christian viewpoint on this is that the Illuminati in fact are descending from the fallen angels and the Giants that walked the Earth. Those Giants, according to the Bible, [Genesis, Chapter 6, verses 1 through 4], were the hybrid offspring of those fallen angels, who together with Lucifer were "cast out of Heaven" and came down to Earth. The fallen angels then interbred with mortal women here on Earth, and their offspring were the Nephilim, the Giants that walked the Earth. Thus, they were the results of a divine/mortal sexual union. The Nephilim are, according to the Bible, believed to be the ascendants of famous rulers, outstanding leaders and mighty warriors who lived here before the Deluge. My own research has taught me that this is actually true, but has been misinterpreted. And interestingly, the offspring of these beings are still here, walking this Earth! As this website will show, these beings ARE the top of the Ruling Class! The truth is; in the background, throughout all history, secret societies have been working without most people being aware of their importance and influence! The original Brotherhood of the Snake soon split up into cults, when certain people on top were in disagreement with each other. Different powers of control developed, where they fought against each other internally (which still is the case today), out of sight from an ignorant population. They invented the different religions and sects and cults so man would be busy doing something else instead of looking into what the Brotherhood actually was doing. They put themselves in charge of the churches to entrap people and to spread conflicts between different belief systems. Most wars throughout history, like most people know, have been religious wars. Out of the original Brotherhood, Freemasonry, the Rosicrucian's, The Knights Templar, Ordo Templi Orientis, Knights of Malta, Skull & Bones and more were created. Some people may object and say that Freemasonry, for example, is a charity organization and even a Christian society. Yes, that's what we're told and that is what most members of the secret society believe. The vast majority of people involved are good people, who are ignorant of what is practiced on the highest levels; unaware of that up there in highest places is worship of the dark forces, practiced in very dark rituals, including human sacrifice. Their God is Satan, Lord of This World (and perhaps this whole sector of the Universe), and their interaction and control are the keys to what is happening in the world of today. There is a totally different struggle going on above people's heads than we are aware of, and this struggle affects our lives every day, and not in a good way, I may add. You can see the results all around you. Only because the human race is basically loving and caring, we still have decency in this world. But planet Earth has truly become much more negative than positive thanks to the powers-that-be and our own ignorance and inability to stop this from happening. Too many times we have looked the other way.
If you are a Freemason, 1° - 33°, and are reading this now, I strongly suggest you also read the article "Terminated! Freemasonry's Final Revelation" by Dr. Henry Makow, where he can tell you that being a Freemason is not the safest thing in the world. The top Masons on this planet are planning on terminating you together with most of the remaining population, until only about 500 million people remain. More about Depopulation Programs later in this article.
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