

Occult historian, Edith Starr Miller summarizes the demise of the Templars as follows:

“Having embraced Gnosticism while in Palestine, and in touch with the sect of the Assassins, the Templar order degenerated, and some of its members were said to practice Phallicism or sex-worship and Satanism and to venerate “The Baphomet,” the idol of the Luciferians. The crime of Sodomy was a rite of Templar initiation.” (Ibid., 144). “In 1307 the Templars were charged with heresy and immorality by a former member of the order” (Collier’s Encyclopedia, “Knights Templars”). As a result, Philip IV of France launched an investigation looking into the alleged misdeeds of the organization (World Book Encyclopedia, 1969, “Knights Templars”). On 15 October 1507 the king had the Templars of France arrested and brought before the Inquisitor for France by whom they were examined (Webster, Secret Societies,51-52). The knights confessed to a variety of notorious crimes and admitted to taking blasphemous oaths against Jesus Christ upon admission into the Order.

They said, they had been shown the cross on which was the figure of Christ, and had been asked whether they believed in Him; when they answered yes, they were told in some cases that this was wrong (dixit sibi quod male credebat), because He was not God, He was a false prophet (quid falsus propheta erat, nec erat Deus). Some added that they were then shown an idol or a bearded head which they were told to worship; one added that this was of such “terrible aspect that it seemed to him to be the face of some devil, called in French “un maufe,” and that whenever he saw it he was so overcome with fear that he could hardly look at it without fear and trembling.” All who confessed declared that they had been ordered to spit on the crucifix, and very many that they had received the injunction to commit obscenities and to practice unnatural vice. Some said that on their refusal to carry out these orders they had been threatened with imprisonment, even a few said they had actually been incarcerated; one declared that he had been terrorized, seized by the throat, and threatened with death (Ibid., p. 52; Michelet, Proces des Templiers II,1841. p. 284-364).
The Order of the Knight Templars was abolished by Clement V. On 18 March 1314, the Grand Master, Jacques de Molay, along with three of his highest ranking officers, were burned at the stake (Miller, Occult Theocracy, 144). It is this diabolical knight after whom today’s Masonic Order of De Molay, reserved for young men, was named. Following the death of De Molay, the Templars found refuge in Portugal under King Dinis II who became their protector (Ibid., 145). The Order suffered a temporary setback resulting from the confiscation of most of its property; but it remained influential, continuing to operate underground. Morals and Dogma attests to the survival of the Knights Templars stating that De Molay, prior to his execution, created four Metropolitan Lodges, at Naples for the East, at Edinburgh for the West, at Stockholm for the North, and at Paris for the South. [The initials of his name . . . found in the same order in the first three Degrees, are but one of the many internal and cogent proofs that such was the origin of modern Freemasonry . . . ] (Morals and Dogma, 820).
In a continued reference to the Templar order, Morals and Dogma adds: “. . . it lived, under other names and governed by unknown Chiefs, revealing itself only to those who, in passing through a series of Degrees, had proven themselves worthy to be entrusted with the dangerous Secret.” (Ibid., 821).Knights-Templar
Descendants of Jewish Elders? – Source: The Knights Templar initially arrived in the Holy Land on a mission to reclaim some treasure that they believed was rightfully theirs. According to the modern Templar historians, Tim Wallace-Murphy and Christopher Knight, the knights who banded together as the Knights Templar were part of a wave of European royalty descended from Jewish Elders that had fled the Holy Land around 70 AD, when it was invaded by the Romans.
Templars of the Rex Deus Families

Before leaving their homeland, these Elders had hidden their temple treasures and priceless Essene and Kabbalistic scrolls in strategic regions of the Holy Land so that the Roman invader Titus could not plunder them as the spoils of war. The Jewish Elders then immigrated to Europe. There, many of them married into the continent’s noble families. Of these Elders, twenty-four would become the patriarchs of a group of European families known by the sobriquet of the “Rex Deus” or “Star” families.
For hundreds of years the secret locations of the Jewish treasure filtered down through the families of the Elders – until the First Crusade, when knighted members of the Rex Deus joined the procession of holy warriors traveling east with the dual goal of defeating the Moslems and recovering their family treasure.
The original nine Knights Templar were either born into or related to the Rex Deus families, as was Godfrey de Boullion, the French general who led them against the Saracens during the First Crusade. His cousin, King Baldwin II of Jerusalem, assisted the Templars in retrieving the treasure by donating the al-Aqsa Mosque for their use.

Northeast exposure of Al-Aqsa Mosque on the Temple Mount, in the Old City of Jerusalem, Israel. (CC BY SA 3.0 )
Treasures from the Holy Land to Scotland
Traces of the Templars’ ensuing excavations were later discovered in the 1800s by a detachment from the Royal Engineers of Great Britain and are now in the possession of the family of the late Knight Templar archivist of Scotland, Robert Brydon.
Apparently the Jewish Elders had stashed much of their treasure under Solomon’s Stables, because it was there that the Templars spent most of their time excavating. After nine years of digging, the original nine Knights had accumulated enough treasure and documents to fill four large trunks.
When their patron, King Baldwin II, suddenly took ill and died, the Knights took their four cases into Europe, stopping briefly at St. Omer in Flanders to have one of the documents copied and then replaced by cleric Lambert de St. Omer. Called the Heavenly Jerusalem, the copied document is now stored in the library of the University of Ghent in Belgium.

Copy of the ‘Heavenly Jerusalem.’ ( University of Ghent)
After a special ceremony with Pope Honorius III at the Council of Troyes in 1128 (making their organization official in the eyes of the Church) two of the Knights, Hughes de Payen and Andre de Montbard, carried their four cases of treasures to Kilwinning, Scotland, the location of the “Mother” Grand Lodge of Freemasonry. Rossyln Chapel and the Four Large Cases

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