The doctors we’re reporting on today all had one thing in common, they discovered nagalase enzyme protein was present in vaccines deemed safe for use for humans.
Nagalase is known to prevent your body from producing vitamin D. Vitamin D is what your body uses to naturally kill cancer cells.
Nagalase is a protein. In autistic children this protein is present in very high concentrations. Not only that every kind of cancer cell produces this protein. Are you comfortable with that in your vaccines?
Vitamin D is needed to fight cancer and it also prevents autism, nagalase is known to prevent your body from absorbing Vitamin D. Nagalase effectually disables your immune system.
It’s also been linked to Type 2 Diabetes. So it makes your ask the question, Why were these doctors killed? Because the results of these Doctor’s research had produced evidence that vaccines that we are being injected with are in fact the cause of our sudden rise in cancer rates and also the rise in autism rates.
Makes you wonder if this is being done on purpose.
The doctors that were found murdered in Florida had been working together and were preparing to go public with their research.
So why kill doctors who have made what you’d think were important discoveries that affect all of use.
Depopulation is a theory, some people believe poison is intentionally added to vaccines as it’s law that children require vaccinations to attend school.
This “survival of the fittest” idea sounds like something out of Nazi Germany, but it seems to be the case.
Dr. Ted Broer was invited to speak about the issue on The Hagmann & Hagmann Report. Strangely 1 hour was used up attempting get him on air as the 3 hour long show kept being brought down. Every alternative line was continuously disconnecting and finally their servers crashed.
Despite the cyber attack they finally the were eventually able to make contact via a secured line.
Here’s a short clip of Dr. Ted Broer speaking on the subject.
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