
The combination of lemon juice and baking soda it's so powerful drink that can kill cancer. 
This is a good new for all people around the world suffering from cancer. 

Vitamin C is well known fighter of cancer cells this is why we use lemon. 


Vitamin C can heal many health conditions, and the experts are studying its capability to fight and kill abnormal cancer cells.
The scientists made over 20 laboratory scientific studies in the past 40 years. Every single study proved that the lemon is strong enough to kill 12 types of cancer. Also, this was acknowledged by one of the world’s biggest drug company.
According to the results the lemon disables the expansion and growth of cancer cells. Actually, the experts state that lemon is 10.000 times stronger than chemo and medications like Adriamycin.

The potential cure for cancer
The scientists discovered that citrus fruits, particularly lemons are powerful enough to disable and keep the human organism safe from cancer. It is even able to defeat cancer entirely, but this requires further researches.

In combination with baking soda, the lemon is capable of doing medicinal miracles. Baking soda normalizes pH values in the organism and disables the metastasizing of the cancer.
Sometimes the chemotherapy could help, but it has very harmful side effects since it kills the healthy cells as well. But the lemon juice and baking soda only kill the cancer cell, leaving the healthy cells untouched.

The cancer patients are advised to consume 2 teaspoons of fresh lemon juice and half a teaspoon of baking soda before having a breakfast, or any other meal or drink they have during the day. You must consume organic lemons only in order to avoid the chemicals.
Lemon is very useful for treating cysts and tumors as well.

Antimicrobial potential
The power of the lemons is hidden in the vitamin C. It is very effective in treating bacterial and fungal infections.
Lemon is common ingredient in treating internal parasites and worms. You will regulate your blood pressure if you use lemons regularly. Lemons lower stress, which means they are very effective antidepressants.
A lot of people around the world are suffering from cancer. They need help, They need cure for cancer and this is one of the cures for cancer. So try it you got nothing to lose. All you can if kill cancer and get back in being healthy. 


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    My wife is cancer free now after 4 years of bullshit with the Canadian and American medical systems. Never again will I put life in the hands of such medical doctors and health workers. They are not trying to help you and they are trying to suck money out of you then kill you with drugs "cancer fighting" poisons, surgeries and chemotherapy.My wife started to use cannabis oil after i was told she will die in a few months. I saw online where National Cancer Institute acknowledges that cannabis oil will kill cancer completely and i contacted the institute via email and i was directed to where i could get high grade quality cannabis oil. My wife started ingesting about a half gram to a gram a day. Within 2 months and the cancer started to retreat. (breast cancer) She is now cancer free and it only took 3 months with the oil. she was using chemo and radiation for years before discovering cannabis oil and we told our doctor about the cannabis oil, My doctor said he can not comment on the use of cannabis and its effect on cancer. Although he saw that my wife cancer was cured with cannabis oil.
    At this point, anyone who claims cannabis oil doesn't have some impact on killing cancer cells is in a serious state of denial. I just can't wait until this widely acknowledged truth is on an official level and we can see cannabis oil properly researched for further focused benefits.

