

Macedonian President Georgi Ivanov send very strong critics to the EU Germany and Brussels for not helping Macedonia in the fight with immigration crisis.

Greece and Turkey received direct money from the EU about the immigration crisis and Macedonia received 0 euros about the immigration crisis and the immigrants are on Macedonian border. Instead EU is giving money to islamic NGO's in Macedonia that are working for Islamization of Macedonia and Europe and they are training Muslim terrorists for future terrorists black scenarios and riots in Macedonia and EU. 

Macedonia had to spend their own Macedonian money they already spend 52 million euros and no one is helping this little country that is suffering a lot.

This reaction of Macedonian President is one of the strongest reactions by any president or prime minister on Europe territory ever.

Enough is enough EU is playing with Macedonia the way they like it and they want destruction of Macedonia. Macedonia is applicant country for EU more then 10 years EU does not want to give this small and poor country a status as member state of EU. All neighbors countries like to destroy and occupy Macedonia again just like they did in 1913 with the Balkan Wars.

USA, NATO and EU are use this county as they like and they don't like this country to develop and grow they are blocking the gas coming from Russia every time when Macedonia need it for new investments in economy and opening new jobs for employment of Macedonians.

I think the time is come for Macedonia to welcome cooperation with Russia and Putin then USA, EU enemies that like to destroy this poor country.

This country is left alone to oppose illegal immigrants and Islamic terrorists coming from Africa, Asia and Middle East. Just Macedonia border control identifies the imigrants and preventing terrorists to come first in Macedonia then in Europe.

This country is left alone to protect Christianity and Christian people from Muslim hordes that like to come and rape christian woman and Islamization of Europe.

Greece has done nothing they are just letting the immigrants on Macedonian border and helping them to cross the border illegally.

German news paper done interview with Macedonian President Ivanov:
BILD: Mr President, in order to stop the influx of refugees, it has been planned that Turkey will receive six billion euros and that visa requirements will be lifted. At the same time, Macedonia has to do the „dirty work“ for the EU at the border with Greece, as Vice Chancellor Gabriel calls it. Do you feel you have been taken for a fool?
Gjorge Ivanov: „This is not the first time that Macedonia has been let down by the EU, we already know the feeling! No one helped us when we took on 360 000 refugees during the Kosovo War. That’s why we have now reacted proactively – our army is protecting our borders. Let’s face it: in the refugee crisis, we are now paying for the mistakes of the EU. We already had to spend 25 million euros in tax money. We already declared a state of emergency. And what have we received from Europe? Nothing! Not a single cent. Instead, we as a non-EU country now have to protect Europe from an EU country, that is, Greece.“

BILD: You are also not a Schengen member, but you are protecting the Schengen border …

Ivanov: „Yes, we are nothing here, not an EU country, not a Schengen country, not a NATO country. Nobody wants us. And still, we are protecting Europe from a European country that is insufficiently controlling the refugees or has simply sent them on. In the refugee crisis, the security situation has been entirely ignored. If we had trusted Brussels and had not reacted on our own initiative, we would already have been flooded with jihadists.“

BILD: What do you mean?

Ivanov: „Look at these passports and papers. They are all forged or stolen. We have already seized 9,000 of them. Some so-called refugees are travelling through the whole of Europe with false identities, and Greece is simply stamping their papers so that they continue on their journey. We have to assume that many of these people who were travelling with forged papers want to enter the EU via the refugee route as radical fighters.“

BILD: So do we Germans have to be grateful to Macedonia for radically closing the border?

Ivanov: „In the refugee crisis, there’s the humanitarian dimension and the security dimension. With respect to humaneness, Germany has acted exemplarily. But your country has completely failed with respect to security. Just one example: we wanted to share our information about these alleged jihadists with Europe and Germany. But no one wanted our data. We were told: we cannot cooperate with you; you are a third party country; we must not exchange data with you.“

BILD: Germany did not want to help you either?

Ivanov: „No! We needed equipment for collecting biometric data and Germany always refused to provide anything. But we found other states that were able to help us. It is totally absurd: we are concerned not with money, but with the security of the entire continent. But obviously nobody cares about that. Look: after the Paris attacks, we were asked whether we had any information, but only after the event. We told the authorities that ten people with the same identity as the assassins had entered the country.“

BILD: Turkey is negotiating with the EU; Macedonia is not invited to the table …

Ivanov: „We are part of the menu, unfortunately. We have always been the victim of EU institutions. For 25 years, we have been lied to and manipulated. A potential EU membership for Macedonia has been discussed seven times already, but there was always an obstruction, caused by Greece. No one in the EU gets along with the Greeks and we are supposed to solve this conflict on our own with this country.“

BILD: The Greek prime minister is praising Chancellor Angela Merkel: on the refugee question, she is showing the moral and humane face of Europe, he says. Which face is Macedonia showing?

Ivanov: „We are also showing a humane face. The Macedonians have provided an incredible amount of help. They have provided medical care and made donations. But once again: we are not an EU country and have to pay for the EU’s mistakes.“

BILD: Does that mean that the German policy of open borders caused the refugee crisis in the first place?

Ivanov: „Chancellor Merkel has acted bravely by her humanitarian gesture. But now no one is brave enough to say what will come next. Between Sudan and Egypt alone, 20 million migrants who want to go to Europe are waiting. And what about Africa? The stream of refugees will not end. Everyone is very well informed because of Twitter and Facebook. And what is Europe doing? It takes more than six months to organize a summit alone. By that time, one million new migrants have arrived. And concerning Germany: how can it be that 130 000 refugees have simply disappeared in your country? 

BILD: What exactly do you mean?

Ivanov: „What we are seeing is that Europe does not function in a crisis situation. Brussels takes far too much time to make decisions. This is why, for instance, some countries along the Balkans route like us had to act on their own. But European crisis management is not working. In the future, more countries will have to make decisions sovereignly. Chancellor Merkel has also decided to take on the role of saviour of Europe on her own. With her decisions, she alone has pushed Europe in a certain direction. Now she wants to achieve a solution together with Turkey. We will see if this works. I am very skeptical in this regard.“


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