The pontiff’s ferocious attack on independent media has begun Pope referred to ‘sensationalism’ is not giving a fair approach to the crimes of the Vatican Pope Francis has launched a ferocious attack on independent media warning it is a ‘grave sin’ to report pedophile priests without a ‘balance’ and unbiased’ approach. The Pope said ‘sensationalist’ news is devoid of any ‘unbiased approach’ to the Vatican’s current child abuse epidemic. The head of the Vatican accused the press of ‘biased reporting’ arguing journalists sympathize with victims and ignore the accused perspective. The pontiff’s attack on “fake news” has implied that an “unbalanced” approach to reporting on the crimes against humanity by the Vatican, is as much of “deadly sin” as lust, sloth, and gluttony.
The Pope said ‘sensationalist’ news that is devoid of any ‘unbiased approach’ to Vatican’s pedophile epidemic The Pope also advised that people should not fall prey to the ‘disinformation’ and “slanderous” news articles that sensationalize the past crimes of the Catholic church by bringing them to light today.One can only speculate the Pope is suggesting that “digging up” the Church heinous past crimes such as the Mass graves of infants discovered in ‘Catholic-run’ orphanages is something best left in the closet. “We must not fall prey to the ‘sins of communication’: disinformation – that is, giving just one side of the argument – slander, which is sensationalistic, or defamation, looking for outdated and old things, and bringing them to light today,” said the pontiff said as he addressed members of the Italian Periodical Press Union yesterday. The Pope then went as far to say that “bias” independent media working against Catholic Church and pedophile priests damages “the heart of the journalist” and harms those who read their articles.
The Pope warned past crimes of the Catholic church by bringing them to light today, such as the mass graves of Infants covered up by the church The religious leader said that those within independent media should stop creating “fake news” and concentrate on”facts” that put the Catholic church in a better light – articles should offer “a version of the facts conforming as closely as possible to reality.” “The independent media is controlled by ‘the drive for sensationalism’ rather than ‘thoughtful’ refection’ that would draw more people back to God.” The Pontiff then called for more ‘regulations’ on platforms such as Facebook and Google in order to present more “reliable information, with verified data and news, which does not aim to amaze and excite, but rather to make readers develop a healthy critical sense, enabling them to ask themselves appropriate questions and reach justified conclusions.”Yes, Francis, that is exactly what we are doing. Source
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