Google’s war on conservatism continues. As reported earlier this week by The Daily Caller, the world’s most powerful search engine is now displaying fact checks almost exclusively for conservative and right-of-center publications in its results. Prominent liberal websites, on the other hand, don’t seem to be receiving the same amount of scrutiny.
Obviously, those who run Google are, for the most part, left-wing ideologues who let their political beliefs influence how they run their business. In some ways, it’s almost hard to believe that such a well-known company would focus so heavily on using their power of the Internet to silence conservative voices, yet it appears that this is exactly what is going on. And in addition to having an incredibly biased fact-checking system, more times than not, Google is just flat out wrong. Indeed, the company has developed something of a reputation for asserting that sites made certain “claims” that they never actually made. If someone were to perform a Google search for The Daily Caller, for example, they would see details about the site on the sidebar, topics that the site typically covers, and a section titled “Reviewed Claims.” On the contrary, left-wing websites like Vox and Gizmodo usually get a free pass from Google’s fact checkers. Even though a user that searches for Vox or Gizmodo will see a “topics they write about” section (just like they would see after searching for The Daily Caller), there is no “Reviewed Claims” section. Why are right-wing websites receiving more scrutiny than liberal websites? Could it be that Google is actually more interested in silencing conservative voices than they are in finding the truth on the Internet? Google’s “fact checker” says that a “claim” in an article published by The Daily Caller that Special Counsel Robert Mueller is hiring people for his investigative team that “are all Hillary Clinton supporters” is inaccurate. The problem, however, is that the article in question never made this claim in the first place. As a matter of fact, nowhere in the article does it say anything even remotely similar to “everyone on Robert Mueller’s team supports Hillary Clinton.” Obviously, Google’s goal here is to discredit sites like The Daily Caller as much as they possibly can, which they hope will lead to more and more people turning away from the sites altogether. They lie about what conservative sites write about so that they can then turn around and label the content as false or inaccurate – if that’s not one of the most diabolical things you’ve ever heard, then what is? (Related: Google insiders have warned that “outright censorship” of the Internet is Google’s top priority.) Google’s censorship of conservative websites and voices on the Internet is nothing new. As a matter of fact, just a few months ago, Dennis Prager and his conservative digital media organization PragerU announced that they were
suing Google and YouTube (which is owned by Google) for censoring their content. According to the Wall Street Journal, “The suit argues the site must use the ‘laws governing free speech,’ not its own discretion, to make decisions about what to censor,” adding that PragerU “alleges that by limiting access to some of its videos without clear criteria YouTube is infringing on PragerU’s First Amendment rights.” (Related: YouTube has threatened to shut down the Health Ranger channel over a podcast that discusses the FBI’s routine obstruction of justice.) Indeed, the First Amendment is what all of this really comes down to. Whether it’s actively discrediting conservative websites or banning conservative content entirely, Google has proven that they care little about the United States Constitution. They are showing the entire world that they are heavily driven by a left-wing political ideology, and it is up to the conservatives themselves to put an end to it once and for all, one way or another. Sources include:
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