
Prominent Researcher, Who Claimed Vaccines Cause Autism, Found Dead
Prominent Researcher, Who Claimed Vaccines Cause Autism, Found Dead

The body of a well-known autism advocate, who led research on how vaccines cause autism, was found floating in a canal last weekend.

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Hillary Clinton ‘Child Sex Tape’ Will Prove D.C. Pedophile Ring Is Real
Hillary Clinton ‘Child Sex Tape’ Will Prove D.C. Pedophile Ring Is Real

Award-winning journalist Liz Crokin claims that a soon to be released child sex tape, featuring Hillary Clinton and her aide Huma Abedin, ...

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The Plagiarisms Of  Madame Blavatsky
The Plagiarisms Of Madame Blavatsky

"There is not a single dogma or tenet in theosophy, nor any detail of moment in the multiplex and complex concatenation of alleged rev...

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The Enlightenment, Freemasonry, and The Illuminati
The Enlightenment, Freemasonry, and The Illuminati

The history of Atheism, no period is as complex and exciting as that time we know today as the Enlightenment. Cultural historians and phil...

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Minnesota Hospital Fires 50 Staff Who Refused Flu Shot
Minnesota Hospital Fires 50 Staff Who Refused Flu Shot

A Minnesota hospital has fired 50 employees who refused to take flu shots over fears that the vaccine is ‘unsafe.’ Essentia Health gave em...

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Scientists Have Made Their First Attempt at Gene Editing Inside a Human Patient
Scientists Have Made Their First Attempt at Gene Editing Inside a Human Patient

Bill Clinton is facing explosive new claims of sexual assault, according to top-level Democratic Party officials and best selling author E...

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Coca-Cola Produced More Than 110 Billion Plastic Bottles Last Year
Coca-Cola Produced More Than 110 Billion Plastic Bottles Last Year

Every second, more than 20,000 drinks in plastic bottles are purchased around the globe. That adds up to more than 1 million bottles a min...

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The United States is a Corporation
The United States is a Corporation

Yes, you read the title correctly. We are not living in a country with a government of the people, by the people, for the people, but we a...

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Secret Societies/ New World Order
Secret Societies/ New World Order

History is replete with whispers of secret societies. Accounts of elders or priests who guarded the forbidden knowledge of ancient peoples...

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The Bavarian Illuminati Exposed
The Bavarian Illuminati Exposed

"Rather than obey the dictates of the real, and adjust himself to his reduced limits, late eighteenth-century man took refuge among p...

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Rothschilds and the Grail Bloodline
Rothschilds and the Grail Bloodline

Jacob Rothschild, the current head of the Rothschild dynasty, has intermarried with the Sinclair family, forging an important alliance bet...

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The Truth About The Pineal Gland – What They Don’t Want You To Know
The Truth About The Pineal Gland – What They Don’t Want You To Know

The Pineal gland has been the “seat of our soul” for many thousands of years, yet these days, however, even our basic human needs like wat...

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50 Holistic Doctors Have Mysteriously Died In The Last Year, But What’s Being Done About It?
50 Holistic Doctors Have Mysteriously Died In The Last Year, But What’s Being Done About It?

Right now in the United States, consumers are being told that they are not enough and that they must purchase more items on credit, eat hi...

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Nikola Tesla’s 5 Lost Inventions That Threatened The Global Elite
Nikola Tesla’s 5 Lost Inventions That Threatened The Global Elite

Most great inventions fundamentally change the society in which they exist. Since the people at the top of the social structure have more ...

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If You Are Using This Toothpaste… Throw It Away Immediately!
If You Are Using This Toothpaste… Throw It Away Immediately!

The FDA has just issued a warning this week noting that they will be putting a ban on triclosan—a common antibacterial agent used in soaps...

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More Doctors Confessing To Intentionally Diagnosing Healthy People With Cancer To Make Money
More Doctors Confessing To Intentionally Diagnosing Healthy People With Cancer To Make Money

It happens more often than you can imagine, but more Doctors are finally getting caught in the act of misrepresenting their oath and fraud...

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Albert Pike and Three World Wars
Albert Pike and Three World Wars

Albert Pike received a vision, which he described in a letter that he wrote to Mazzini, dated August 15, 1871. This letter graphically out...

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Were the Founding Fathers Really Christians?
Were the Founding Fathers Really Christians?

We know that Freemasonry is an Illuminati organization, and most of the Founding Fathers were Freemasons. Still, Christian researchers int...

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Skull & Bones IS the Thule Society
Skull & Bones IS the Thule Society

"According to Robert Goldsborough of Washington Dateline , Governor George Bush has a 'secret ingredient which will help him in h...

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Military Order of Malta Exposed
Military Order of Malta Exposed

Wherever one turns in investigating P2, Gladio, the "black aristocracy," international terrorism, or the Nazi International, one...

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Bitcoin Exchange CEO Kidnapped Leaving Office
Bitcoin Exchange CEO Kidnapped Leaving Office

Being a "Bitcoin Billionaire" just got a bit more complicated after reports surfaced that the CEO of EXMO , a UK-based Bitcoin e...

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EU Forces Tiny Italian Village Of 7 People To Take 80 Migrants
EU Forces Tiny Italian Village Of 7 People To Take 80 Migrants

The tiny Italian hamlet of Vaccarozzi di Erbezzo, located in the mountains above Verona, has only seven residents, but that is set to chan...

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Global Elite Wages War Against Bitcoin and the Cryptocurrency Revolution
Global Elite Wages War Against Bitcoin and the Cryptocurrency Revolution

As citizens all over the world begin to seize control of the global economy by investing in cryptocurrency over the centralized fiat, the...

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Journalist Who Vowed to Expose George Soros, Found Dead
Journalist Who Vowed to Expose George Soros, Found Dead

Bechir Rabani infiltrated Antifa and threatened to expose Soros before he died Bechir Rabani vowed to expose George Soros before he died A...

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Corey Feldman Pleads For His Life: ‘Hollywood Pedophiles Are Trying To Kill Me’
Corey Feldman Pleads For His Life: ‘Hollywood Pedophiles Are Trying To Kill Me’

Former child star Corey Feldman has released an emotional video plea, in which he states that he fears for his life after Hollywood pedoph...

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Miley Cyrus Claims ‘Satan Is A Nice Guy; He’s Misunderstood’
Miley Cyrus Claims ‘Satan Is A Nice Guy; He’s Misunderstood’

Satan is a misunderstood guy who has been judged on his outward appearance rather than by “what he has to offer us as human beings” accord...

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Sebastian Kurz Becomes 1st Leader To Take Away All Rights Of Illegal Immigrants
Sebastian Kurz Becomes 1st Leader To Take Away All Rights Of Illegal Immigrants

Sebastian Kurz, the Federal Chancellor of Austria, has become the first leader to “strip” illegal immigrants of all of their rights. The b...

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China Caught Helping North Korea In Preparations For WW3
China Caught Helping North Korea In Preparations For WW3

New shocking images have revealed China has been aiding North Korea behind Donald Trump’s back as part of a massive secret operation in pr...

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CIA Director Says World War 3 Begins in 12 Weeks
CIA Director Says World War 3 Begins in 12 Weeks

Mike Pompeo reveals war with North Korea starts within 12 weeks, triggering WW3 The head of the CIA has warned that war with North Korea w...

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Black Lives Matter: Destoying Private Property and Looting is Patriotic
Black Lives Matter: Destoying Private Property and Looting is Patriotic

As you read this, keep in mind that Obama fully endorsed this group. He even invited them to the White House and helped them grow into the...

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Apple sued for deliberately slowing down older iPhones
Apple sued for deliberately slowing down older iPhones

A lawsuit has been filed in California against US technology giant Apple after the company admitted to slowing down older iPhone models to...

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Celine Dion Says: “I Can’t Even Look At An American Flag Any More, I Hate This Country.”
Celine Dion Says: “I Can’t Even Look At An American Flag Any More, I Hate This Country.”

O cry me a river!!! Haha Stop being cry baby. Donald Trump Inauguration:  All of the musicians who have publicly declined to … have pub...

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The Windsor Bush Bloodline: Traced Back To The Roman Caesars and Egyptian Pharaohs
The Windsor Bush Bloodline: Traced Back To The Roman Caesars and Egyptian Pharaohs

I have recently been sent a series of genealogical charts which detail a bloodline and its off shoots that will be highly relevant to the ...

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Thousands of Pedophiles Locked Up Under Trump
Thousands of Pedophiles Locked Up Under Trump

Donald Trump became president on Jan. 20. And in one short month, there were more than 1,500 arrests for sex crimes ranging from trafficki...

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Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) admitted in a CNN interview Sunday that President Trump’s tax bill giving a tax cut to the vast majority of ...

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Palmolive Contains Cancer-Causing Chemicals! 5 Brands You Should Avoid
Palmolive Contains Cancer-Causing Chemicals! 5 Brands You Should Avoid

For those of us without automatic dishwashers, we resort to the tried and true method of water, a sponge, dish soap , and a little elb...

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Watching geo-political events unfold today is like watching a slow motion train wreck, especially if you’re informed by history and unders...

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‘Black Pope’ Pachon Resigns From Vatican After Child Abuse Charge
‘Black Pope’ Pachon Resigns From Vatican After Child Abuse Charge

Jesuit Superior linked to child abuse rituals Catholic Jesuit Superior Adolfo Pachón has resigned from the Vatican office after being link...

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Jeff Bezos scandal: Amazon executives caught up in a sex trafficking ring
Jeff Bezos scandal: Amazon executives caught up in a sex trafficking ring

In October RPT reported that Amazon Studio’s chief, Roy Price, was using his casting couch card a bit too liberally. The Duran recommends ...

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Biotech Firm Caught Selling Heads of Unborn Babies, Officials Find Four Unborn Babies in Its Warehouse
Biotech Firm Caught Selling Heads of Unborn Babies, Officials Find Four Unborn Babies in Its Warehouse

A grisly case out of the state of Michigan is once again putting the spotlight on the sale of aborted baby parts. A biotech firm has been ...

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He Predicted Trump Would Be President 6 Years Ago, Here’s Why This Prophet Says Trump Is In For Two Terms
He Predicted Trump Would Be President 6 Years Ago, Here’s Why This Prophet Says Trump Is In For Two Terms

In November of 2016, the world witnessed what many said was impossible: Donald Trump elected President of the United States. Nearly every ...

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Former CIA Officer: Trump Administration Officials Are Being Controlled By Israel
Former CIA Officer: Trump Administration Officials Are Being Controlled By Israel

Former CIA officer Philip Giraldi has warned that senior members of the Trump administration are being secretly directed by the Israeli go...

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Jim Carrey: Hollywood Elites ‘Eat Whole Babies’ For Christmas
Jim Carrey: Hollywood Elites ‘Eat Whole Babies’ For Christmas

Hollywood elites “eat whole babies for Christmas” according to Jim Carrey, who warns “dark forces” are “engaged in a battle for America’s ...

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US ‘preparing to attack’ North Korea
US ‘preparing to attack’ North Korea

An article in the British newspaper the Daily Telegraph is reporting that the US is now very close to deciding on a list of options for mi...

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Russia Tells US To Leave Syria
Russia Tells US To Leave Syria

With ISIS defeated in Syria and following several potentially catastrophic incidents between Russian and US air-forces, Russia is calling ...

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May Gives UK Troops Just £1 For Christmas While US Troops Spoiled By Trump
May Gives UK Troops Just £1 For Christmas While US Troops Spoiled By Trump

British Prime Minister Theresa May has caused uproar amongst British military troops based in Afganistan after it emerged she 'gifted&...

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Nuclear Chemist Publishes Paper Detailing: “Aluminum Poisoning of Humanity via Geoengineering”
Nuclear Chemist Publishes Paper Detailing: “Aluminum Poisoning of Humanity via Geoengineering”

Within the past couple of years alone, the concept of geoengineering has sparked a growing interest (which seems to be accelerating at a ...

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George Soros Suffers ‘Massive Heart Attack’ On Christmas Eve In Hungary
George Soros Suffers ‘Massive Heart Attack’ On Christmas Eve In Hungary

George Soros suffered a “massive heart attack” while inspecting a new faculty building at his private university in Budapest, Hungary on ...

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Melania Trump names ‘How To Get Away With Murder’ as her favorite TV show
Melania Trump names ‘How To Get Away With Murder’ as her favorite TV show

Melania Trump named “How To Get Away With Murder,” Shonda Rhimes and Peter Nowalk’s hit series, as her favorite television show.

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Rothschild Vows To Destroy Bitcoin – Launches ‘FedCoin’
Rothschild Vows To Destroy Bitcoin – Launches ‘FedCoin’

Lord Rothschild has announced plans to launch a government-approved cryptocurrency called ‘FedCoin’ which he says will completely destroy ...

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