The Michigan mother who was sentenced to jail last week for refusing a court order to vaccinate her son -- and who has since lost primary custody of her son -- said she would "do it all over again." Do you see folks now all of us will be persecuted for refusing vaccination for our children. If this is not Martial Law I don't know what it is. Parents have the right to decide will they vaccinate their kids or not. But with this Martial law in place we don't have that right any more.
Wake up people and fight for your FREEDOM!!!
Learn more what's inside of the vaccines and you will know the truth and the truth will set you FREE!
Vaccination is poison and they don't work. Vaccination make your kids sick they don't prevent diseases they make it happen.
"I was trying to protect my kids," Rebecca Bredow, who lives in the Detroit area, told ABC News. "I was trying to stand up for what I believed in, and it was worth it for me to try and take the risk, because I was trying to stop the vaccinations from happening." "Never in a million years did I ever think that I would end up in jail standing up to try to protect my kids, and standing up for my beliefs," Bredow added. She said her time in jail "was the longest five days of my life." Despite losing primary custody of her son, spending five days in jail, and the fact that her son was vaccinated anyway, Bredow said standing up for her beliefs "was worth it."
Last week, a judge sentenced Bredow to seven days in jail for refusing to bring her son's vaccinations up to date. Prior to going to jail, Bredow told ABC News that she and her then-husband, Jason Horne, had initially agreed to space out vaccinations for their young son. She and Horne separated in 2008, and she said last week that Horne now wanted their son to receive all of his vaccinations, and she refused.
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