

The mainstream media is trying to normalize pedophilia by creating a halo effect with the Kevin Spacey story: make it appear that child mo...

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Star Trek actor Anthony Rapp Says Kevin Spacey is a Pedophile
Star Trek actor Anthony Rapp Says Kevin Spacey is a Pedophile

Star Trek actor Anthony Rapp has accused Hollywood A-lister Kevin Spacey of being a pedophile.After seeing women speak out against sexual m...

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Netflix Cancels โ€œHouse of Cardsโ€ After Kevin Spacey Accused Of Sexually Assaulting Teen
Netflix Cancels “House of Cards” After Kevin Spacey Accused Of Sexually Assaulting Teen

Netflix  announced on Monday that it would be pulling the plug on their acclaimed series House of Cards after allegations surfaced yester...

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Vatican Calls Meeting to Discuss Global Depopulation Agenda for New World Order
Vatican Calls Meeting to Discuss Global Depopulation Agenda for New World Order

Pope Francis has called for a meeting of world leaders and religious figure heads to discuss advancing New World Order policies such as po...

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Goyim are Animals - The Talmudic NWO
Goyim are Animals - The Talmudic NWO

A constant feature of the New World Order is thathuman beings are animals and we are defined by our animal desires. There is a consistent ...

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CIA Director: North Korea To Kill 90% Of Americans And It's Being Covered up
CIA Director: North Korea To Kill 90% Of Americans And It's Being Covered up

A former CIA director has confirmed that North Korea does actually have the capability of destroying up to 90 percent of Americans with th...

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Sandra Bullock To Hillary Clinton: โ€œIf You Donโ€™t Like Our President You Can Leave And Never Come Back Again
Sandra Bullock To Hillary Clinton: “If You Don’t Like Our President You Can Leave And Never Come Back Again

Actress Sandra Bullock To Hillary Clinton: “If You Don’t Like Our President You Can Leave And Never Come Back Again, You Are One Jealous W...

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Pope Francis: World Government Must Rule U.S. โ€˜For Their Own Goodโ€™
Pope Francis: World Government Must Rule U.S. ‘For Their Own Good’

Francis told the Italian newspaper La Repubblica that the United States of America has “a distorted vision of the world” and Americans mus...

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The "Jewish" Conspiracy is British Imperialism
The "Jewish" Conspiracy is British Imperialism

The Masonic Jewish owners of the central banks are behind all imperialism, including the colonization of humanity. The "New World Or...

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CDC: Obesity rates hit a new high
CDC: Obesity rates hit a new high

The United States will not be escaping the obesity epidemic crisis anytime soon: Nearly 40% of adults and 19% of youth are obese, the high...

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Freemasonry Has Doomed Western Society
Freemasonry Has Doomed Western Society

Unknown to most people ... is the tremendous power and influence exercised in the Western world by some branches of a politicized Freemaso...

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How the Banksters Forced the US Into WW2
How the Banksters Forced the US Into WW2

After Britain's humiliating retreat from Dunkirk June 4, 1940, Winston Churchill defiantly declared, "We shall fight on the beach...

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The Truth About David Rockefeller That The Media Is Trying To Hide From You
The Truth About David Rockefeller That The Media Is Trying To Hide From You

David Rockefeller recently passed away, many celebrated his death whilst the mainstream media tried to convince you to remember him for hi...

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Child Molester Joe Biden Teams Up With Lady Gaga To โ€œStop Sexual Assaultโ€
Child Molester Joe Biden Teams Up With Lady Gaga To “Stop Sexual Assault”

Child molester Joe Biden has teamed up with pop star Lady Gaga to produce a PSA against sexual assault. The former Vice President, best k...

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Does a Satanic Cult Rule the World?
Does a Satanic Cult Rule the World?

In March, Svali, an ex-Illuminati mind controller wrote: "There is a lot more going on in the suburbs around Washington, DC than most...

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Jesus is not a man, He Is The Invisible God
Jesus is not a man, He Is The Invisible God

     In Colossians, verse 15 we see that Jesus is, “the image of the invisible God.” He was with God from the beginning as the  “Word of G...

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More than 1,100 have cancer after 9/11
More than 1,100 have cancer after 9/11

Reggie Hilaire was a rookie cop on September 11, 2001. He worked at ground zero for 11 days beside his colleagues -- many of them, includi...

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87-Year-Old Grandma Sentenced to Prison For Saying Auschwitz was Just a Labor Camp
87-Year-Old Grandma Sentenced to Prison For Saying Auschwitz was Just a Labor Camp

Revealing exactly why the U.S. Constitution’s First Amendment is so crucial, an 87-year-old woman was sentenced to 10-months in jail after...

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The same pill that costs $1,000 in the U.S. sells for $4 in India
The same pill that costs $1,000 in the U.S. sells for $4 in India

Hepatitis C drug Sovaldi costs $1,000 a pill in the U.S. It costs $4 a pill in India. That's what they call hepatitis C, which is so ...

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George Bush Pedophile Sex Ring and Blackmail of Congress
George Bush Pedophile Sex Ring and Blackmail of Congress

George HW Bush is a known evil pedophile, who ran a Congressional Blackmail Child Sex Ring during the 1980s known as “Operation Brownstone ...

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Alex Jones: I Was Sexually Abused By Hollywood Elite
Alex Jones: I Was Sexually Abused By Hollywood Elite

Infowars founder and host Alex Jones claims he was “molested” by powerful Hollywood executives on “multiple occasions,” and that he feels ...

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โ€˜Go home:โ€™ Tillerson urges Iran-backed militias to leave Iraq
‘Go home:’ Tillerson urges Iran-backed militias to leave Iraq

As the fighting against Islamic State (IS, former ISIS/ISIL) in Iraq nears its end, Iraqi Shiite militias and their Iranian advisors need ...

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Energy drink consumption leaves hole in head of new father
Energy drink consumption leaves hole in head of new father

A new father is reportedly struggling to live his life after his energy drink consumption left him with a hole in his skull after he was i...

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When we were told that the 3 towers of the World Trade Center were destroyed by nuclear demolitions, possibly assisted by specialized ther...

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Record $135 billion a year for illegal immigration, average $8,075 each, $25,000 in NY
Record $135 billion a year for illegal immigration, average $8,075 each, $25,000 in NY

The swelling population of illegal immigrants and their kids is costing American taxpayers $135 billion a year, the highest ever, driven b...

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Joe Biden Caught Asking Young Girl โ€˜Do You Know How Horny I Am?โ€™
Joe Biden Caught Asking Young Girl ‘Do You Know How Horny I Am?’

  Footage has surfaced of former Vice President Joe Biden touching a young girl inappropriately while whispering in her ear, “ Do you know ...

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Masonic Bankers Started WWI to Destroy Germany
Masonic Bankers Started WWI to Destroy Germany

In August 1914, Kaiser Wilhelm realized he had been fooled: "England, Russia and France have agreed among themselves ... to take th...

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Rothschild Plan For America
Rothschild Plan For America

America is dying, inflicted with a fatal, terminal disease. Few understand this. Most citizens are in denial. The glories of yesteryear—th...

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Sanhedrin Calls on President Trump to Uphold Seven Noahide Laws
Sanhedrin Calls on President Trump to Uphold Seven Noahide Laws

In an ancient and honored Jewish custom, the nascent Sanhedrin sent a letter to the new leader of the U.S., President Donald Trump , bles...

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The Equifax Hack Is The Most Disastrous Data Breach In History: Hackers Have The Credit Information Of 143 Million Americans
The Equifax Hack Is The Most Disastrous Data Breach In History: Hackers Have The Credit Information Of 143 Million Americans

The Equifax Hack Is The Most Disastrous Data Breach In History: Hackers Have The Credit Information Of 143 Million Americans. It is being...

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How Interlinked Corporations Rule The World
How Interlinked Corporations Rule The World

The power structure of global elites is like nested Russian dolls made up of corporations. How many people realize that KFC, Taco Bell an...

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Government Report: In 20 Years A.I. Implants Will Allow Humans To Control Our World
Government Report: In 20 Years A.I. Implants Will Allow Humans To Control Our World

The agenda to push towards Transhumanism is on course. It has now been reported by the House of Lords that within 20 years A.I. implants...

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Putin Defends Chistian Civilization
Putin Defends Chistian Civilization

No man and no nation on earth is attacked more often and more viciously than Vladimir Putin, the President of Russia. Highly popular in Ru...

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Wikileaks Investigative Journalist in Malta Is Killed in Car Bombing
Wikileaks Investigative Journalist in Malta Is Killed in Car Bombing

An investigative journalist in Malta who exposed her island nation’s links to offshore tax havens using the leaked Panama Papers was kil...

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Nikola Tesla Interview That Was Hidden For 116 Years Will Blow Your Mind!
Nikola Tesla Interview That Was Hidden For 116 Years Will Blow Your Mind!

In 1899, Nikola Tesla did an interview with a journalist named John Smith, and the ideas expressed by Tesla in that interview were so rev...

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Facebook, the worldโ€™s top social media platform becomes arm of US Intel!
Facebook, the world’s top social media platform becomes arm of US Intel!

Facebook, the world’s top social media platform, is reportedly seeking to hire hundreds of employees with US national security clearance l...

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169 billionaires โ€˜too poorโ€™ to make the Forbes list of the 400 Richest Americans
169 billionaires ‘too poor’ to make the Forbes list of the 400 Richest Americans

Wealth begets wealth. The richest in America are getting richer. On Tuesday, Forbes released its 36th annual list of the 400 Richest Ameri...

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Donald Trump Lost $916 Million drops in Forbes 400 list of richest Americans
Donald Trump Lost $916 Million drops in Forbes 400 list of richest Americans

Donald Trump Lost $916 Million "I think a good part of it was mistakes," said Barbara Res, a former executive vice president at ...

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George Soros Transfers $18 Billion to His Open Society Foundation Soros
George Soros Transfers $18 Billion to His Open Society Foundation Soros

George Soros, who built one of the world’s largest fortunes through a famous series of trades, has turned over nearly $18 billion to Open...

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Johnson & Johnson wins appeal in $72mn talc cancer risk verdict
Johnson & Johnson wins appeal in $72mn talc cancer risk verdict

A US court on Tuesday overturned a judgment against pharmaceutical company Johnson & Johnson (J&J) in favor of the family of a wo...

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Scientists Reveal The Relationship Between Sugar And Cancer
Scientists Reveal The Relationship Between Sugar And Cancer

A nine-year joint research project conducted by VIB, KU Leuven and VUB has led to a crucial breakthrough in cancer research. Scientists h...

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Rothschild: Our New World Order Will Be A Reality In 2018
Rothschild: Our New World Order Will Be A Reality In 2018

Rothschild Publication Predicts Single World Currency Will Be Put In Place As Early As 2018; Hello New World Order. The Rothschild-control...

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Rothschilds Murdered at least Seven US Presidents
Rothschilds Murdered at least Seven US Presidents

Trump should be on guard. The Rothschilds have a habit of murdering Presidents who don't follow their orders. "The bane of our ci...

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CNN’s Anderson Cooper accused Infowars founder Alex Jones this week of fabricating a connection between billionaire investor George Soros ...

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Johnson & Johnson Finally Admits: Our Baby Products Contain Cancer-Causing Ingredients!
Johnson & Johnson Finally Admits: Our Baby Products Contain Cancer-Causing Ingredients!

Formaldehyde has been detected in Johnson & Johnson products. Studies suggest it may cause cancer—and it is in your baby’s shampoo.

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The Satanic Cult That Rules the World
The Satanic Cult That Rules the World

Our "Culture War" describes resistance to society's induction into a satanic cult , the Illuminati, (i.e. Cabalism, Freemas...

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Wars for Israel Drive Mass Immigration into Europe
Wars for Israel Drive Mass Immigration into Europe

Wars for Israel Drive Mass Immigration into Europe

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Banking Cartel is the Cause of Humanity's Woes
Banking Cartel is the Cause of Humanity's Woes

Most of our problems can be laid at the doorstep of the Mason Jewish central banking cartel. "The Secrets of the Federal Reserve"...

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Californiaโ€™s labor shortage grows, farmers race to replace workers with robots
California’s labor shortage grows, farmers race to replace workers with robots

Now, the $47-billion agriculture industry is trying to bring technological innovation up to warp speed before it runs out of low-wage immi...

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Freemasons Created the US to Advance NWO
Freemasons Created the US to Advance NWO

You blind guides. You strain out a gnat but swallow a camel!" (Matthew 23:24) "The people of the world and even their governme...

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