

GERMAN Chancellor Angela Merkel making an "Illuminati sign" in the presence of US President Donald Trump.

Mrs Merkel was pictured with Mr Trump and British Prime Minister Theresa May today during G7 talks in Italy.

She is known for making her infamous "diamond" hand sign, which has been branded of masonic-style and a symbol of the alleged Illuminati.
It is alleged by believers in the Illuminati that it is a secret organisation made up of world leaders and celebrities that actually runs all world governments from behind the scenes and intends introducing a New World Order which will see just one government running the entire world.
At its most extreme, the Illuminati is allegedly a Satanic group that uses hand signals to identify members to each other.

Mrs Merkel's use of the sign often attracts attention and comes after a Nato meeting yesterday - which is of particular significance as conspiracy theorists believe the G7 talks and NATO are Illuminati run and part of the plan to introduce a world army.

The sign is often referred to as a Merkel Diamond, due to her frequent use of it.
David Icke says "I found today a new picture of it in my local newspaper, and I found curious that they use her hand sign in a political campaign.
"Diamond they say? So I ask, is every one asleep these days?

"Just the first time I saw the image, I noticed it is not a diamond at all, plus the way she placed her fingers (which is not even easy) unless you really want them to be that way does not resemble a diamond at all, but a Masonic symbol of the compass and square.
"Is every one asleep? No one sees and talks about these things, is it not evident enough?"
But, Mrs Merkel, who has led the Christian Democratic Union party for 16 years, explained the reason she makes the unusual gesture in a 2013 interview, and denied there was anything sinister behind it.

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