
Russia Aligns with China for the creation of a New World Order
Russia Aligns with China for the creation of a New World Order

Like pieces on a chess board, the players are all aligning to create a New World Order, that is of course after the fall of the Old World ...

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Trump Cuts Student Aid to Feed School Privatization
Trump Cuts Student Aid to Feed School Privatization

President Donald Trump drops in on charter and private school students attending an event in the Roosevelt Room of the White House in Wash...

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Jacob Rothschild Accidentally Admits The New World Order Is Finished
Jacob Rothschild Accidentally Admits The New World Order Is Finished

Lord Jacob Rothschild has accidently admitted that the plan for the New World Order is collapsing according to a new report. The Rothschil...

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Fraud Expert Says: ‘Bitcoin Is A New World Order Scam’
Fraud Expert Says: ‘Bitcoin Is A New World Order Scam’

Bitcoin is a New World Order scam designed to trick liberty-loving types into moving their money out of physical assets and into a system ...

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Angela Merkel Says US, UK Are Enemies Of Germany Once Again
Angela Merkel Says US, UK Are Enemies Of Germany Once Again

German Chancellor Angela Merkel has warned citizens that the U.S. and UK are both enemies of the Germans once again, in a speech reminisce...

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President Trump Tells Merkel: There Will Be No EU Superstate
President Trump Tells Merkel: There Will Be No EU Superstate

President Trump has warned German Chancellor Angela Merkel that he will not allow her to create an EU superstate – vowing to do everything...

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Jamaica hosts 400 Freemasons tercentenary celebrations
Jamaica hosts 400 Freemasons tercentenary celebrations

Just under 400 delegates have registered for this week's 300th anniversary celebration of English Freemasonary being held in Montego B...

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John McCain Says Vladimir Putin Is A Greater Threat To National Security Than ISIS
John McCain Says Vladimir Putin Is A Greater Threat To National Security Than ISIS

In an interview with the Australian Broadcasting Corp. on Monday, Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) said Russian President Vladimir Putin is “th...

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Angela Merkel makes illuminati sign at G7 meeting as Donald Trump looks on
Angela Merkel makes illuminati sign at G7 meeting as Donald Trump looks on

GERMAN Chancellor Angela Merkel making an "Illuminati sign" in the presence of US President Donald Trump. Mrs Merkel was picture...

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Muslim man sues Little Caesars over ‘halal’ pepperoni
Muslim man sues Little Caesars over ‘halal’ pepperoni

A Muslim man is suing Little Caesars Pizza for $100 million after he said he was given and accidentally ate a pizza containing pork pepper...

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Coptic Christian attack: ISIS claims its 'soldiers' opened fire on bus killing 29 in Egypt
Coptic Christian attack: ISIS claims its 'soldiers' opened fire on bus killing 29 in Egypt

The Islamic State terrorist group claimed responsibility for the attack on a bus outside of Cairo that killed at least 29 Coptic Christian...

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New World Order Globalist Zbigniew Brzezinski Dies at 89
New World Order Globalist Zbigniew Brzezinski Dies at 89

Zbigniew Brzezinski, the hawkish New World Order strategic theorist, died on Friday at a hospital in Virginia. He was 89.

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Trump Turned To NATO Allies, Said One Thing And IMMEDIATELY All Hell Broke Loose In Brussels
Trump Turned To NATO Allies, Said One Thing And IMMEDIATELY All Hell Broke Loose In Brussels

President Trump trashed NATO for not even trying to meet their financial commitments during the unveiling of a memorial dedicated to 9/11 v...

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Putin On Terror Attacks: This Is The New World Orders Final Stage
Putin On Terror Attacks: This Is The New World Orders Final Stage

Following the recent spate of terror attacks across Europe, countries are now bracing themselves for the next wave of attacks, but Vladimir...

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Zionist puppet Trump visit Israel and Western Wall
Zionist puppet Trump visit Israel and Western Wall

Could it be more evident then this, that Trump is 100% Zionist. Shame on you President Trump. You are one of the best deceivers of Amer...

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The United Nations Exposes Chemtrails 100% PROOF We Are Being Poisoned
The United Nations Exposes Chemtrails 100% PROOF We Are Being Poisoned

The United Nations Exposes Chemtrails 100% PROOF We Are Being Poisoned : By now everyone has witnessed streaks of white trailing across th...

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 Russia Leaving Global Banking System: Dumping US Dollar For Gold
Russia Leaving Global Banking System: Dumping US Dollar For Gold

Russia is one of the more powerful nations in the world. With the power, however, comes enemies. One of its enemies has a slight financia...

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Church Of Scientology Allows Travolta And Cruise To Murder
Church Of Scientology Allows Travolta And Cruise To Murder

Actress Leah Remini has dropped a bombshell about the Church of Scientology, claiming that its leaders allow certain high ranking members ...

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Russian President  Putin has a '$200 billion fortune
Russian President Putin has a '$200 billion fortune

One of the smartest and richest people in the world is Vladimir Putin the Russian President. Russian President Vladimir Putin might be t...

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Putin Unveils Worlds Most Powerful Hypersonic Cruise Missile
Putin Unveils Worlds Most Powerful Hypersonic Cruise Missile

Russian President Vladimir Putin has unveiled the world’s most powerful hypersonic missile, capable of destroying the Royal Navy’s aircraf...

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Donald Trump signs $110 billion arms deal with nation he accused of masterminding 9/11
Donald Trump signs $110 billion arms deal with nation he accused of masterminding 9/11

Donald Trump has signed the largest arms deal in history with Saudi Arabia despite warnings he could be accused of being complicit in war ...

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Follow the Money: Senator John McCain’s Ties to Saudis and Rothschilds EXPOSED
Follow the Money: Senator John McCain’s Ties to Saudis and Rothschilds EXPOSED

Charitable institutions (like The Clinton Foundation), as Judge Jeanine Pirro has stated publicly, often serve as a slush fund for those wh...

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It was all a lie: Trump Said 18 Times U.S. Shouldn't Bomb Syria
It was all a lie: Trump Said 18 Times U.S. Shouldn't Bomb Syria

Before he was president,  Donald Trump  wrote that the U.S. should  not bomb Syria  in a number of tweets from 2013 to 2014.

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In The Year 2016, 90,000 Christians Were Butchered by Muslims
In The Year 2016, 90,000 Christians Were Butchered by Muslims

According to a recent study, in the year 2016 alone, 90,000 Christians have been killed. As we read in a report:

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US air strikes pound pro-Assad forces in Syria
US air strikes pound pro-Assad forces in Syria

The U.S. military launched fresh air strikes against pro-Assad troops in Syria after they ignored repeated warnings from both coalition a...

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The Doctor Who Shocked The World: Cancer Is A Fungus That Can Be Treated With Baking Soda
The Doctor Who Shocked The World: Cancer Is A Fungus That Can Be Treated With Baking Soda

Italian doctor Tulio Simonchini, cancer is nothing but a fungus which can be eliminated with baking soda.  Dr. Simonchini used this method...

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Macedonian activist found dead near former Dakota Access Pipeline protest camp
Macedonian activist found dead near former Dakota Access Pipeline protest camp

The body of a 35-year-old Glendale man missing since November was found Sunday in a North Dakota river.

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Trump orders review of lifting sanctions against Iran: Tillerson
Trump orders review of lifting sanctions against Iran: Tillerson

The Trump administration said on Tuesday it was launching an inter-agency review of whether the lifting of sanctions against Iran was in th...

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Bill Gates Accused of Starting Ebola Outbreak in African Village by Putin
Bill Gates Accused of Starting Ebola Outbreak in African Village by Putin

Russian President Vladimir Putin has accused tech billionaire Bill Gates of starting an Ebola epidemic in The Congo by "experimenting...

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How and why George Soros Created The European Refugee Crisis
How and why George Soros Created The European Refugee Crisis

How George Soros Singlehandedly Created the European Refugee Crisis - And Why George Soros is trading again. The 85-year-old political act...

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Michael Jackson Predicted His Death In Letters To Close Friend
Michael Jackson Predicted His Death In Letters To Close Friend

In a series of handwritten notes that he gave to a friend weeks before his death , Michael Jackson predicted that he would be murdered and...

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Katy Perry Admits To Being An Illuminati Slave In ‘Bon Appetit’ Video
Katy Perry Admits To Being An Illuminati Slave In ‘Bon Appetit’ Video

Katy Perry is the ideal of the modern popstar – young, beautiful, controversial and completely controlled by the music industry Illuminati...

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An Israeli fighter jet was downed by Syrian anti-aircraft systems as a squadron of warplanes violated the Syrian airspace. 17 Mar, 2017 , a...

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Moscow: US Has Effectively Declared War On Russia
Moscow: US Has Effectively Declared War On Russia

According to a senior Russian senator, the passing of a US bill that authorizes the US Navy to control Russian ports is a clear violation o...

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Le Pen Vows To Fight New World Order ‘Until My Heart Stops Beating’
Le Pen Vows To Fight New World Order ‘Until My Heart Stops Beating’

Defiant Marine Le Pen has promised supporters she will fight the New World Order “ until my heart stops beating ” and told close friends a...

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America Is Completely Owned & Ruled by Jews
America Is Completely Owned & Ruled by Jews

America Is Completely Owned & Ruled by Jews :

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Michael Jackson's Secret Letters: ‘Illuminati is Going to Sacrifice Me’
Michael Jackson's Secret Letters: ‘Illuminati is Going to Sacrifice Me’

Letters from Michael Jackson have recently surfaced in which he states that he is "terrified" that he is going to be murdered by ...

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Rihanna: ‘Prince William Is The Antichrist’
Rihanna: ‘Prince William Is The Antichrist’

Rihanna has told staff and associates that “ Prince William is the Antichrist ” and he will be the future king of a one world government ...

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Donald Trump Makes His First Move to End “An Open Internet”
Donald Trump Makes His First Move to End “An Open Internet”

In the past several weeks, Donald Trump has gone to war with the CIA , Meryl Streep, China, and the media.

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Putin: Illuminati Plans To Use Islam To Spark World War 3
Putin: Illuminati Plans To Use Islam To Spark World War 3

Brave Vladimir Putin is determined to destroy the Illuminati, describing the destruction of the world’s most elusive organisation as the ‘m...

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Russia Deploys Warships To Syria To Face US Navy
Russia Deploys Warships To Syria To Face US Navy

Putin has responded to Donald Trump's air strikes against a Syrian airbase by deploying Russian military ships to Syria after warning t...

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North Korea Warns Trump to Prepare For War!
North Korea Warns Trump to Prepare For War!

KIM Jong-Un has placed his country on the “brink of war” as a high-profile defector urged US President Donald Trump to assassinate the...

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Moscow: USA Didn’t Inform Russia Of Airstrike Prior To The Attack
Moscow: USA Didn’t Inform Russia Of Airstrike Prior To The Attack

It seems that either Pentagon or Russian officials are lying about the claims regarding USA-Russian communications prior to tonight’s airs...

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Trump orders military advisers to prepare plans to hit North Korea
Trump orders military advisers to prepare plans to hit North Korea

President Trump has ordered his military advisers to be ready with a list of options to smash North Korea’s nuclear threat. One of the ad...

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G7 Rejects Calls for Sanction on Russia
G7 Rejects Calls for Sanction on Russia

Britain and America have failed to win immediate support from their European allies for new sanctions on Russia following the recent chemic...

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Trump: ‘We’re not going into Syria’
Trump: ‘We’re not going into Syria’

After all Trump is not going into Syria. That's a good news. We don't need the WWIII. Amid complaints that his aides are saying dif...

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Supreme Court of Russia Issues International Arrest Warrant For Netanyahu
Supreme Court of Russia Issues International Arrest Warrant For Netanyahu

Supreme Court of Russia ordered the state security and law enforcement authorities to include the names of Benjamin Netanyahu and two other...

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One Palestinian child has been killed by Israel every 3 days for the past 13 years
One Palestinian child has been killed by Israel every 3 days for the past 13 years

Official statistics from the Ministry of Information in Ramallah have revealed that 1,518 Palestinian children were killed by Israel’s occu...

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Trump Claims Victory: House Passes Measure to Repeal and Replace Obamacare
Trump Claims Victory: House Passes Measure to Repeal and Replace Obamacare

Well it was the time Trump to get something done. And this time is Obamacare. Trump Claims Victory: Declares Obamacare ‘Dead’ President T...

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Oliver Stone: Putin Is A Hero, Not An Enemy
Oliver Stone: Putin Is A Hero, Not An Enemy

Director Oliver Stone has urged the public to listen to what Vladimir Putin has to say, claiming that the Russian leader is a friend and n...

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