The Holodomor (Ukrainian: Голодомор, “Extermination by hunger” or “Hunger-extermination”; derived from ‘Морити голодом’, “Murder by Starvation”) refers to a series of purposeful mechanized genocidal famines that took place under the Jewish Bolshevik regime during the periods of 1921-23, 1932-33 and 1946-47.
Holodomor is a compound of the Ukrainian words holod meaning “hunger” and mor meaning “plague”. The expression moryty holodom means “to inflict death by hunger”. Lenin established a Jewish regime that slaughtered well over 66 million ethnic Europeans; the Holodomor Genocides alone resulted in a death toll of 16.5 million. Therefore, in the minds of those that experienced the Holodomor Genocides, the term will forever conjure up the kidnappings, torture and cannibalism taking place under the Jewish Bolshevik regime.
The Jewish Bolshevik regime had begun murdering their way through ethnic Europeans as early as the 1920’s. Initially these crimes were concealed behind the Jewish Bolshevikconstruct of the ‘Soviet Union’ but with a Jewish victory in 1945 a new paradigm was concocted with the German Nation as the scapegoat. The source of the Big Lie can be traced back to the Jewish architect of ethnic European Genocide Vladimir
Lenin who pronounced that “a lie told often enough becomes the truth”. While the Jewish Bolshevik genocide of ethnic Europeans is concealed, for the 70 years since WWII ethnic Europe has been saturated with propaganda regarding aJewish ‘Holocaust’.
Ethnic European peoples are particularly susceptible to Jewish propaganda with their nations so insular as opposed to the international nature of the Jewish tribe. Ethnic Europeans of the German Nation are not united with ethnic Europeans of the Russian Nation consequently international information becomes limited to that which the Jewish tribe allows to filter through their network. A specific example of networking between Jewish cells occurred during WWI. Jewish Zionist Leo Motzkinpresided over the Copenhagen office of the Zionist organization and operated as liaison betweenZionist organizations in all other European nations. Trust is also a significant issue. The ethnic European of a number of nations appears capable of trusting implicitly that their own racial brethren are perpetrating horrendous atrocities. Yet will self-censor the crimes and atrocities that another race has perpetrated against their own. Trust between fraternal nations is at its lowest ebb during territorial instability when pseudo-patriotism encourages ethnic Europeans to paint their racial brethren as a nation of beasts. Jewish propaganda operates at a premium during war when there is most unrest. It feeds and maintains ethnic division an example of which is ‘Holocaust’ propaganda that primarily demonises the German nation and in a wider context paralyses ethnic Europe with false guilt allowing Jewish interests priority throughout ethnic European territory.
Curiously other occasions in European history have been most ‘opportune’ for Jewish interests. In the late 19th-century Europe’s Russia was plagued by riots alleged by Jewish voices to be ‘anti-Jewish’ in nature and classified by Jewish historians as ‘genocidal pogroms’. These riots had considerable demographic implications for the rest of ethnic Europe and European America for at least 80% of Jews in the West are descendants of Jewish immigrants from Russia and its environs during the period 1880–1910. Commissioned to write propaganda alleging so called ‘pogroms’ against Jews in Russia it was Jewish leader of the World Zionist Congress and numerous other Jewish Zionist organizations across Europe, Leo Motzkin that spearheaded a campaign against ethnic White Russians. Joined by Franz Oppenheimer and Adolf Friedemann he invented a ‘German Committee for Freeing of Russian Jews’, apparently condoned by the German Government of the time, which attests to the Jewish ability to splinter relationships between fraternal nations. Also intriguing is that Jewish sources openly discouraged historical enquiry by non-Jewish historians into the subject of alleged ‘pogroms’ in Russia. For example, when Ukrainian historians exposed evidence proving that contemporary media reports of Jewish casualties in that nation were wildly exaggerated, the Jewish genealogy website ‘JewishGen,’responded by stating: “We believe that [these facts] are more than irrelevant because it redirects public attention from the major topic:
“In 1881 the ‘Russo-Jewish Committee,’ (RJC) an arm of Britain’s Jewish elite, mass-produced a pamphlet entitled “The Persecution of the Jews in Russia,” the 1899 edition including a lengthy letter written to the London Times by Nathan Joseph, Secretary of the RJC, dated November 5th, 1890 claiming that in the present circumstances “hundreds of thousands [of Jews] could be exterminated,” and began disseminating it through the press, the churches, and numerous other channels. By 1899, it was embellished and published as a short book, and today digitized copies are freely available online. By the early 20th century, the pamphlet had even spawned a four-page journal called Darkest Russia – A Weekly Record of the Struggle for Freedom, ensuring that the average [ethnic Briton] did not go long without being reminded of the ‘horrors’ facing [Jews in Russia]. The fact that these publications were mass produced should provide an indication as to their purpose: It is clear that these publications represented one of the most ambitious propaganda campaign in Jewish history, and combined with similar efforts in the United States, they were aimed at gaining the attention of…Western nations and ensuring the primacy of the ‘Jewish…story.’ Implicit in this was not only a desire to provoke anti-Russian attitudes, but also copious amounts of sympathy for the victimized Jews —sympathy necessary to ensure that mass Jewish chain migration to the West went on untroubled and unhindered by nativists.” A complete transposition of historical relations between White Russian and Jew, the propaganda contended that the Jews of Eastern Europe had been oppressed for centuries, their whole lives “hampered, from cradle to grave, by restrictive laws.” They claimed that White Russians had an unwritten law “that no Russian Jew shall earn a living,” even though, according to the Russo-Jewish Committee, Jews in Russia wanted nothing more than to participate in Russian society.
The Jewish narrative also contended that the ‘pogroms’ were genocidal in nature and perpetrated by groups seeking the extermination of the Jews. Yet the most horrific of the charges laid against the Russian Empire was that they had committed the most fiendish atrocities on the most enormous scale. Jews had allegedly been murdered ruthlessly, infants dashed on the stones or roasted alive in their own homes. A common theme in most contemporary atrocity stories was the brutal rape of Jewish women, with most reports including mention of breasts being hacked off. The
NCO K. Suffner, Military Post Number 08 070 to his work mates
…The Bolshevists and Jews bestially murdered 12,000 Germans and Ukrainians. I saw pregnant women hanging by their feet in the GPU’s prison. They had slit the noses, ears, eyes, fingers, hands and arms and legs of other women. Some even had their hearts cut out. 300 orphans between the ages of 2 and 17 had been nailed to the wall and butchered. After they were done with the torture, they threw the people, most of whom were still alive, into a 3 meter deep pile in the basement, doused them with gasoline, and lit them on fire. It was terrible! We could not believe that shave suffered if Bolshevismhad reached us. The complainers and know-it-alls that we still have in the Reich should see this. Then they would know what pure Bolshevism looks like. They would fall to their knees and thank the Führer for saving Germany from such things. I and many other German soldiers have seen this. We all thank the Führer that he let us see the Bolshevist “paradise.” We swear to extirpate this plague root and branch.
Soldier Fred Fallnbigl to his Parents in Salzburg, 17.7.41
…a bit more from the Soviet Paradise. I’ll especially tell you about things that happened in Lemberg-Tarnopol and Tromborla. Tromborla is due south of Tarnopol. I saw the prisons in Lemberg, and saw things that struck me deeply. There were men with their ears and noses cut off, etc. They had nailed children alive by their hands and feet to the wall, butchering them. The blood was ankle deep. It didn’t make any difference if they were alive or dead. They doused the piles of bodies with gasoline and set them on fire…I always think how fortunate we are that this scourge of humanity never made it to our country. I don’t think that even years of preparation would make Germans capable of such atrocities.
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