Hollywood actress Gwyneth Paltrow ran an article on her website entitled ‘Are Cell Phones and WiFi Signals Toxic?’ claiming that these new inventions may be responsible for the surge in brain cancers. She has urged the public to educate themselves on the dangers of cell phone radiation and Wifi.
She wrote that: ‘The scientific community’s rumblings about brain cancer and the new-to-us affliction “electro-sensitivity” are worth exploring, at the very least, so we tapped three experts in the field.”
‘To help her readers understand the complicated and messy world of cell phone and WiFi safety,’ Gwyneth Paltrow consulted Dr. David Carpenter, Ann Louise Gittleman, and Dr. Devra Davis on the issue, reports Naturalhealth365.com
Here are some of the issues that have been addressed.
Mobile phones and cancer rates
The use of mobile phones has skyrocketed since the 1980s. If mobile phones increase the risk of brain tumours, more and more people should now be developing them.
But the numbers of new brain tumour cases have not changed very much. For example in the UK, the rate of brain tumours has changed very little in the past decades - and the very small increase we have seen is thought to be due to better data collection. However, brain tumours can take many years to develop, so it is possible that incidence rates would only start rising after more time.
Is the radiation from mobile phones dangerous?
There still aren't any good explanations for how mobile phones could cause cancer. The radiofrequency electromagnetic radiation they transmit and receive is very weak. This radiation does not have enough energy to damage DNA, and cannot directly cause cancer.
In 2012 an independent report concluded that there is no convincing evidence that being exposed to radiofrequency fields, including those from mobile phones, within the guidelines could affect somebody's health.
The UK follows a set of international safety standards, which restrict the amount of electromagnetic radiation people can be exposed to and have a very large safety margin.
Mobile phones are a relatively recent invention. So far, studies have indicated that using these phones for about 10 years is unlikely to cause cancer. But we cannot be completely sure about their long-term effects. And there have not been enough studies looking at how mobile phone use could affect the health of children.
Dr. Devra Davis of the Environmental Health Trust says, “current Government limits do not account for the unique physiology of children”. Current FCC safety recommendations are 19 years old. These safety recommendations offer safety limits calculated on a 6 foot 2 inch male body. They do not take into account the shorter arms, thinner skins and greater fluid content of children and young people.
Added to this the brains and immune systems of children are still developing – so even low level exposures can interrupt normal brain or reproductive development. Dr. Davis explains, “those differences will cause children to absorb relatively more radiation”.
Research is underway to fill both of these gaps in our knowledge. Until we get a conclusive answer, the Government recommends some precautions for people who have concerns.
For example, adults using mobile phones could minimise their exposure by keeping calls short. And children under the age of 16 should only use mobile phones for essential calls.
Make your bedroom a “safe haven” from EMF exposures. Unplug and disable all electronic equipment for better sleep and regeneration.
Remove all forms of wireless from your home, including WiFi and cordless phones. Replace with a hard-wired computer connection and a corded phone. Practice safe cell phone use. Keep calls to an absolute minimum and disable wireless connections when you are not using your phone.
She wrote that: ‘The scientific community’s rumblings about brain cancer and the new-to-us affliction “electro-sensitivity” are worth exploring, at the very least, so we tapped three experts in the field.”
‘To help her readers understand the complicated and messy world of cell phone and WiFi safety,’ Gwyneth Paltrow consulted Dr. David Carpenter, Ann Louise Gittleman, and Dr. Devra Davis on the issue, reports Naturalhealth365.com
Here are some of the issues that have been addressed.
Mobile phones and cancer rates
The use of mobile phones has skyrocketed since the 1980s. If mobile phones increase the risk of brain tumours, more and more people should now be developing them.
But the numbers of new brain tumour cases have not changed very much. For example in the UK, the rate of brain tumours has changed very little in the past decades - and the very small increase we have seen is thought to be due to better data collection. However, brain tumours can take many years to develop, so it is possible that incidence rates would only start rising after more time.
Is the radiation from mobile phones dangerous?
There still aren't any good explanations for how mobile phones could cause cancer. The radiofrequency electromagnetic radiation they transmit and receive is very weak. This radiation does not have enough energy to damage DNA, and cannot directly cause cancer.
In 2012 an independent report concluded that there is no convincing evidence that being exposed to radiofrequency fields, including those from mobile phones, within the guidelines could affect somebody's health.
The UK follows a set of international safety standards, which restrict the amount of electromagnetic radiation people can be exposed to and have a very large safety margin.
Mobile phones are a relatively recent invention. So far, studies have indicated that using these phones for about 10 years is unlikely to cause cancer. But we cannot be completely sure about their long-term effects. And there have not been enough studies looking at how mobile phone use could affect the health of children.
Dr. Devra Davis of the Environmental Health Trust says, “current Government limits do not account for the unique physiology of children”. Current FCC safety recommendations are 19 years old. These safety recommendations offer safety limits calculated on a 6 foot 2 inch male body. They do not take into account the shorter arms, thinner skins and greater fluid content of children and young people.
Added to this the brains and immune systems of children are still developing – so even low level exposures can interrupt normal brain or reproductive development. Dr. Davis explains, “those differences will cause children to absorb relatively more radiation”.
Research is underway to fill both of these gaps in our knowledge. Until we get a conclusive answer, the Government recommends some precautions for people who have concerns.
For example, adults using mobile phones could minimise their exposure by keeping calls short. And children under the age of 16 should only use mobile phones for essential calls.
Make your bedroom a “safe haven” from EMF exposures. Unplug and disable all electronic equipment for better sleep and regeneration.
Remove all forms of wireless from your home, including WiFi and cordless phones. Replace with a hard-wired computer connection and a corded phone. Practice safe cell phone use. Keep calls to an absolute minimum and disable wireless connections when you are not using your phone.
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